"Can I keep you?" Part One

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Based on a Casper the Friendly Ghost movie I saw once and a really cute fan fiction I read a while ago.

"Lydia!" You shout as you walked through the front door of the Deetz's enormous home.

You were babysitting Lydia again, as Charles was out on a business trip. He decided bringing Delia would be better than leaving her here with Lydia, who could be a handful sometimes. The young teen was currently nowhere to be seen, so you opted too look in her room, where she was most likely sleeping.

As you walked up the staircase, you were more than surprised to hear voices.

"Please, oh please, Lyds? I swear I'll be good!" A scratchy, obviously male voice begs.

Lydia's light voice follows after, "No way, BJ. You know the Maitlan's rules on you being around. You shouldn't even be here so close to her coming over."

You froze when you heard those words, just outside her door. The Maitlands had been a sweet couple who babysat you years ago, when you were closer to Lydia's current age. They had passed away a year ago. Could it be the same Maitlands?

You were torn from your confused train of thought when the male, dubbed 'BJ' for now, spoke again, "I know, but I really wanna meet her." 

You figured you had invade Lydia and 'BJ's privacy enough, so you went to go sit back in the family room. As you slowly took a step, a particularly creaky floorboard let out a wail. The conversation immediately stopped and you tensed.

Lydia's door slowly opened a smidge, and a mop of fluffy black hair poked out.

The young teen seemed surprised to see you, "(Y/N)! You're here!"

You nodded sheepishly, embarrassed to be caught in your eavesdropping. Moments later, the door swung the rest of the way open and there stood the Mystery Man himself. 

A taller man in a garish black and white striped suit stood from his place on Lydia's bed with a smirk. He walked over to you, and you caught a glimpse of his yellow-tipped hair seemingly fading to green. 

'How curious' you thought.

The new color matched the green moss splotched around on his outfit, and even on parts of the scruff on his chin.

Lydia groaned, seemingly annoyed at his antics, and spoke up, "this asshole is my friend. He wouldn't stop pestering me to meet you." 

You glanced at the man who was currently bouncing up and down next to Lydia. His hair had seemingly changed to a more vibrant green color, fading up from the brunette roots. 

He nodded eagerly, and continued, "I am! I'm the ghost with the most, the best bio-exorcist, the most eligible bachelor in the Netherworld!"

He bounced around you, speaking excitedly about himself. You giggled and followed him with your eyes. 

"So, what's your name, Stripes?" You asked.

This seemed to deflate his excitement a bit, him stopping bouncing and looking at Lydia who was completely bored with the interaction.

She looked up, "he can't say his name. It's Beetlejuice."

You nodded, acknowledging this. 

Beetlejuice smiled at his friend, and then turned back to you, you giving him a look up and down, taking in his obnoxious appearance. 

"If you're done checking me out, baby, maybe we can get some grub. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." 

You smiled and blushed at this remark, looking to Lydia who just shook her head.

"This was a mistake." She muttered under her breath.

You wrapped your arm around her shoulders, giving her a gentle side hug and kissing her on the head. The three of you, well two, walked and floated down the staircase to the kitchen.

It didn't even occur to you that there was a literal demon, in a striped fucking suit, in the house right behind you. 


How do you guys feel about this? Sorry for the long break on Stand By Us! I have two new chapters in the works and they'll hopefully be out before Halloween!

Thanks for sticking with me!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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