Chapter Twelve: Double Dates and Roller Skates

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Once I recovered from my head injury, I looked out the window and was met with an amused-looking Elgin. "Asshole!" I squawked through the closed window. He snickered and yanked the door open.

"Hey, leech!" He grinned, dragging me off of Alex and onto the pavement. He dusted off my shoulders and then looked down at Alex with a level of disapproving sarcasm that only a best friend could possibly muster. He then looked back at me. "Thought you'd like to know that your parents left an hour ago, so sneaking around in locksmith's car, while riské and sexy, is completely unnecessary. Also, I have a clear view of your driveway from my bedroom window and you were nauseating to look at."

I scowled at him but helped Alex out of her car. She slung an arm across my shoulders and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Beds are more comfortable anyways ..." I gulped down my anxiety. Then she wrinkled her nose at Elgin and patted him on the head, which was a foot above her own. "You're just jealous because you have no one to make out with, but it's okay. I've got some friends who'd love to meet you." Elgin's mouth fell open and he gaped at us as we walked away. She was probably right, he really needed to meet a cute guy.

"Call me later!" He finally yelled after me once he regained his ability to speak. I held up a thumb without even turning around and unlocked my front door.

"He's so dramatic, Ben would love him." Alex chuckled, falling onto the couch in my living room. My eyebrows shot up at her statement. Ben was gay?

"Ben's a little ... Slow though." I laughed, joining her on the couch. "I mean what exactly did he owe Keegan 20 bucks for? Who bets on their friend's love life?" I wasn't even sure that was what the bet was about. Boys, aside from Elgin, eluded me. Maybe that's why I was gay?

"To be fair, the odds of me getting into a relationship were beyond slim before I met you." She giggled, taking my hand and playing with my fingers. "Give him a chance, 'kay? We'll do a double date!" I immediately hated that idea. It sounded like the most awkward thing that I would ever do in my life, no thanks.

"I don't—" I tried to object, but Alex put a finger to my lips to silence me.

"Trust me," she pouted, jumping to her knees. "We should go skating and get pizza." There was a crazy look in her eyes that I had never seen before. It made me wonder whether I should really be dating her. I guess it was too late to be asking that question because I was already falling head over heels.

"Alex," I said slowly, inching away from her somewhat. I plastered a scared smile on my face and scratched my head. "It's almost April, there aren't any ice rinks open."

"Roller skating, silly." She rolled her eyes as if it were obvious. I swallowed hard, thinking about all the things I knew about roller skating. Most of it was derby-related: bruised tailbones, broken limbs, bloody noses ... I was not interested in getting injured.

"Yeah, no thanks." Alex's face fell and she sank back onto her heels. I hated seeing her like that. Why did she have to be so cute? "Alright, fine!" I gave in.

"Yay!" She squealed, kissing me.

A week later, I sat on Elgin's bed as he tore through his closet in search of a presentable outfit. "That's it! I'm just not gonna go." He groaned, flailing onto his bed beside me.

"Elgin," I rolled my eyes. "Stop being a dramatic baby. I can't go on a double date alone! Poor Ben will be such a third wheel." Elgin shot me a glare but stood back up.

"Fine, but there'd better be pizza." He grumbled, pulling on a button-down t-shirt patterned with dinosaurs. I smiled and escorted him out of his room and down the stairs.

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