CHAPTER 11 - Hubby is Out

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It's 5:30pm and I'm about to go home. I told wifey not to wait for me. Exams are almost near so we'll both get busy now.

I stretched my arms.
"I should make it a little difficult."
Just talking to myself.

"Hey Christophe.."
Christine is still here too.

"Are you busy?"
"Well I''m always busy.."

"Do you have time for me later then?"
She nodded. She really cares for her students that much.

"Okay. Let me fix my things first."
"Okay. See you outside."

After she left I called my wife to let her know.

"Why not call Sir Lance instead?"
"Lance can't, he has things to do.."
"What things?"
"Tell Sir Lance do his paperworks there.."

As if Lance can do it. ('・_・')
He has a position and he doesn't have time to go out and do these things.

I look at my watch..
"I'll be home before eight"

"Tell Ma'am Christine to go home early!"

Is she more concerned to Christine?

"Yes I will---"
She just hang up. How sweet. (⌒_⌒;)
We're here inside the cafe shop.

"Everytime I ask him, his answer was always 'nothing Ma'am'"
"Maybe he doesn't really have a problem or anything.."

She scratch her forehead.

"No, there's something wrong I know. He is a good student.."

"You see Christine, let's just say he really has a problem but you see you're his teacher."


"So student's sometimes can't open it up to their teachers that's why they have friends.."

She really cares too much.

"So should I ask his friends?"
"No. But you can tell his friends to help him in his studies and to his problem too.."

She glared at me.

"Come on, not sharing aswers of course.."
"Okay, I hope it will work.."
"It will.."

she smiled.

"You're always so positive.."
"I have to.."
Especially for my wife.. Hehe..

We take a sip on our cup of coffee. The taste is very addicting.

"Are you even seeing someone?"

That's a sudden question I guess.


She look clearly in my eyes.


I leaned on my chair.
"I'm not.."

"How can you have a girlfriend then?"
Should I tell her now?

"I mean...I don't need to..."

She got surprised a little bit then she leaned in her chair too.





"Lucky man.."

"Very lucky man.."

She chuckled.

"Its just that I've known you for almost two years but it seems like I just met you today."

"Well we're both really busy. Doesn't have time for chitchats.."

Now that I've think of it, this is the only time again me and Christine went outside together.

"When can I meet her?"

I startled for a second.

"You're going to indroduce us with her, right?"
"Yeah. Me and Lance.."

This is bad.


I touched my ring.
I can't tell her for now.

"Okay. When you're ready."

I smiled.


"Let's go.. So many things to do for this week."
"Right. I'll take you home.."

"Still a gentleman huh.."
I opened the door for her.

"By the way, where's your car? Haven't seen it for a while.."

Oh shiii.....--

"--Dad borrowed it.."
"What about your dad's?"
"It's old already so I have to give up mine.."

Dammit.. I forgot the Car.. So many memories with it though Yanna is more important..
We took a bus going to her house.

"Did you already fell inlove with her?"

Why is she asking?

"I mean just a girlfriend right?"
"Why you asked?"

It's getting awkward I think.

"I'm thinking if I still have a chance.. I should have told you before.."

She looked at me and I did the same.

Christine is pretty. I met her when I transferred in the school and we've been working together since then. She's really nice. She could be every guy's dream girl...


I never think or see her as someone special or beyond being a friend like Yanna.
Well I know Yanna for years so maybe that's the advantage but then again its still different.

I guess I don't have any really feelings for her.

We're already here in her apartment and we didn't talk after that scene.


I have to tell her.. She's my friend.

"I'm sorry.."
"Its okay.. You know I can---"

"I love her.."

I do really love her so much.

"Goodnight Christine.."
That's all I can say.
I went home tired and a little sad. Yanna opened the door.

"So how's the---"

I hug her really really tight

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I hug her really really tight..

"I love you, Yanna."

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