Christmas special part 2

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(This continues from part 1, go read it in case you skipped it just for more of the feels)

(Y/N) and Ludwig sat on the edge of the frozen lake, (Y/N) in his lap as they stared out, only the small wind could be heard before Ludwig broke the silence.

"I'm sorry.... I should have been there much sooner...."

"It wasn't your fault... It was mine-"

"NO. I wasn't fast nor brave enough... To protect you from what he put you through-"

"But I chose to save my sister." She cut him off.

"A brave but foolish thing to do. He could have killed you."

"..... But he didn't...."

"Why keep you alive...?"

She sighed and made herself comfortable. "He was fascinated that the most shyest, weakest Kivouackian had dared to come into the Madness Frontier to save her eldest sister... We talked for who knows how long, until he became fascinated with my swirls on my fur.... But my eyes, he didn't like. He'd spend hours just looking at them until before I knew it... I was blind, bleeding from my sockets and had a bandage over them... I than found out he changed their colour to match my markings and they've been like that ever since."

"And.... the offspring?" Ludwig spoke with such disgust, (Y/N) shed a tear for her baby.

"I don't know, Ludwig! I was unconscious when you found me! I didn't even get to see her to say goodbye or take her with me! She's probably good as dead....!" She broke down crying and that's when Ludwig knew he fucked up.

"(Y/N)..." He brought her close to him and held her close, letting his shirt soak up the tears she was shedding.

Eventually she calmed down and looked at one another, eyes gleaming under the moonlight before they began to lean closer and closer to eachother but they were interrupted by Mystique and Lucy as they pulled away.

"(Y/N)!" Lucy screamed happily as she took her baby sister from the Grand Voice's arms and hugged her close.

"Thank goodness your both safe..." Mystique sighed in relief.

"We're fine." Ludwig stood up and dusted himself off.

Everyone went back to the house as (Y/N) walked up to Shuck. "Dalton...?"

Shuck didn't look her way as he was chugging his spiked eggnog, ignoring her completely.

"W- well.... I got you something.... Happy Christmas, Dalton...." She put the present box near his hooves as she skulked away and gave Lucy a present, which was a cute little scarf.

"Awwww! You shouldn't ave!" Lucy kissed her sister and tried it on as (Y/N) giggled and walked up to Hyzenthlay and gave her a couple of books which she was grateful for.

Fleisher got a kiss from her, the same with Yeshua (which he got too frisky with dat tongue, again) before noticing Ludwig was no longer in the living room. No doubt he went back to the office...

She went to the office and entered without knocking. "Ludwig...?"

Ludwig held something in his hand as he held the portrait lovingly, almost painfully as his face was morphed to that of sadness and grief. She had never seen Ludwig look like that before...

"Ludwig?" (Y/N) called out again as he snapped his head up towards her and immediately put the frame back in it's place as he cleared his throat, eyes going back to their original look.

"What is it?" He asked, but she climbed on his desk and turned the frame around, seeing a woman with black hair and either fair or pale skinned but couldn't tell due to the photo looking like it came from the 1800's as it was all faded out.

"Who is she? Friend?" Ludwig felt his heart jerk at the mention of her as he stared down at her, almost painfully before he sighed and pulled (Y/N) close to her.

"She was my..... what simians call "lover". Helen Merchant, her name was. She was beautiful, intelligent.... Her hair as black at the night sky and the nose shining eyes. I believe they were lilac of some sort, just like your right eye.... She's long gone, now...." Ludwig sounded so... broken. Like as if he hated himself. But for what?

"I- it wasn't your fault, Ludwig." (Y/N) tried to comfort him as she placed a hand/paw on his chest, staring into his eyes.

"But I could have.... I was forced to watch as time wasted her away.... And I hated my immortality, (Y/N)! You wouldn't understand, as YOU never had a simian lover! What could you know?!"

"I may not have loved a human, but I know what it's like to lose someone you love! We lost all our friends in the Kivouack, they were like family! And I lost my daughter...."

Ludwig now felt guilty for yelling at her like that. He sighed and leaned back into his chair. "I'm sorry.... Please, I just... want to be alone for awhile...."

"But you don't have to, Ludwig...." She got close to his face, staring into his eyes once more. "Not anymore...." She than sealed it with a kiss, making the Grand Voice's eyes widen. They remained like that for who knows how long before he closed them and held her tiny frame closer before eventually pulling away.

"Merry Christmas, Ludwig."

"As to you, (Y/N)."

They laid their foreheads against one another, Ludwig blushing but (Y/N) was content....

They laid their foreheads against one another, Ludwig blushing but (Y/N) was content

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