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Annie's P.O.V.

"So are you gonna text him?" Anna asked sitting down at the counter with Syd and Lilia and I went behind it grabbing an apron.

"I kinda have to unless I wanna flunk out of Spanish, which I don't." I said rolling my eyes and wiping down the counter.

"Yay, what are you gonna say?" Lilia asked smiling.

"Uhh." I said talking out my phone and clicked on Asher's contact. "'Hey, when are we gonna do this tutoring thing?' How is that?" I asked looking at them as I typed it down.

"Terrible, it sounds like you don't give a shit." Syd said sound like she care a lot about this for some reason.

"I don't give a shit." I said nodding.

"Just give my your phone." Lilia said putting out her hand.

"Oops, already sent." I said as I pressed send.

"Ugh, you have no idea how to talk to guys." Sydney said rolling her eyes at me.

"You should be talking, you haven't talked to Carson at all and just stare at him from a distance." Anna said making me and her giggle.

"Uh—huh and how are you with my brother." Syd asked smirking.

"That's different. At least our Ann's are talking to some guys. I don't think Will knows I exist." Lilia said resting her chin on the counter.

"He'd be crazy not too." I said petting her head.

"Yup, same as Carson and Asher." Anna said nodding.

"Okay, no. I do not like Asher. I just kissed him to get away from Hayden." I said putting my hands up and walked over and started clearing a table.

"Really?" Syd asked tuning over her seat to look at me. "You don't like anything about him?"

"What's there to like?" I asked carrying dirty plates back to the kitchen.

"His eyes?" Anna suggested.

"His lips?" Syd asked.

"His ass?" Lilia asked making the three of us look at her with our eyebrows raised.

"Just calling it as I see it." She said putting up her hands and we still stared at her. "Okay, so let's talk about something else now." She said laughing nervously.

"So, you didn't feel anything when you kissed him any times?" Sydney asked looking back at me.

"Disgust." I said and went over to take a couples order.

When I walked back behind the counter Anna asked, "Nothing else?"

"Nope, and even if there was something I wouldn't tell you." I said honestly.

"Who would you tell?" Lilia asked and I just shrugged.

"She'd tell Hayley, duh." Syd said rolling her eyes at Anna and Lilia.

"Yeah, I would. But I have had any deep conversation in the past three days so there noting to go asking my little sister about." I said and then my phone buzzed.

The four of us looked at me phone and me and Syd looked at each other and we both leaped at it and me and Sydney were playing tug of war and she got it.

"Damn." I said putting my hands on my hips.

"'Meet me at the pier 7am tomorrow morning.' That's so romantic." Sydney gushed smiling.

"What the hell is so romantic about waking up an hour early to learn Spanish?" I asked looking at her confused.

"It's hot when guys speak Spanish." Anna said and we looked at her. "What?"

"Your not someone to say stuff like that, Anna. We like it." Lilia said.

"So Annie, what are you gonna wear?" Syd asked ignoring Anna and Lilia.

"Pajamas." I said smiling at her and got back to work.


"Annie, get up your gonna be late for your study date!" Someone yelled jumping up and down on my bed.

"Whaaaaaaat." I groaned rolling over.

"You're gonna be late for your study date." Hayley said again.

"Who told you that?" I asked looking up at her. "And it's not a study date."

"Sydney called me and asked if you and I talked about an Asher Angel? And that you had a study date with him." Hayley said smiling. "So is he your boyfriend?"

"No." I stated. "He's just helping me in Spanish. That's it." I said looking her eyes and stood up.

"You sure about that?" She asked smirking as I took my shit off.

"Yes, I'm sure." I said riffling through my dresser.

"Why are you blushing?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"I'm not." I said putting on my Beatles shirt.

"Yeah, we'll see about that." Hayley said and skipped out of my room.

I just rolled my eyes but smiled at me weirdo little sister and changed into my favorite pair of black ripped skinny jeans.

I went downstairs, grabbed my phone, bag, and a box of Cracker Jacks and yelled, "BYE MOM!" And glanced up the stairs. I looked over at Hayley, "Is she here?"

She shook her head and held up a note, "'Had to go in early today. Make sure you're not late to school and have a good breakfast. I have a feeling I'm gonna have to work late so don't try to wait up for me. Love you both, xoxo mom' Well, that's great." I said after I read it aloud. "I'll text Lilia to give you a ride to school."

"Yeah, and I don't thing Cracker Jacks is a good breakfast." Hayley said smirking at me.

I put my finger to my lips and said, "Shhhh. I'll text you at lunch."

"Okay, have a good day. Love you." Hayley said as I open the door.

"Love you more." I said and got in my car and drove to the pier.

When I got there I walked out to see Asher already sitting at a table with a Spanish textbook and a binder. There was no one else on the pier and the sun was coming up and the water looks really pretty.

"You're late." Was all he said when I sat down in front of him.

"Hey, it's not my fault, Pretty Boy." I said putting my hands up.

"Then who's it is?" He asked with no emotion looking up at me.

"Yours for expecting my to be on time." I said smiling.

"Yeah, I should've learned a long time ago not to expect that much from you." He said flipping open his book.

"Ouch, and your only known me four days by the way." I added and took out my box of Cracker Jacks. "You want one?" I asked shaking the box.

"Seriously? Annie, you gotta focus." Asher said annoyed.

"Okay okay." I said, "Jeez." I muttered and open the box and took out the prize. "I hope this is a cheat sheet." I said opening it and it was a beaded bracelet.

I held it in my hand and looked at it. "It's for you." I said looking up at him.

"No, don't— stop that." He said rolling his eyes as I grabbed his wrist and put the bracelet around it.

"Don't say I never gave you anything." I said smiling and he just groaned.


And here's another chapter for y'all. Hope you enjoyed it.

Love you all💜🦔🌻

Just a kiss// Ashannie Where stories live. Discover now