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Annie's P.O.V.

Me and Asher have been dancing for like three hours and we took a bunch of pictures with everyone and it was the absolute best.

"Okay, my feet are killing me. I'm ready to go." Syd said putting her arms around mine and Carson's shoulders.

"Oh, since your ready, we all have to go?" I asked rolling my eyes not wanted this night to end.

I felt a squeeze on my hand and looked to see Asher just gave me a look to like, behave and I smiled.

Yeah, we're just holding hands like it's nothing. Holy shit. Not sure how any of this happened but I'm definitely not complaining.

I brought our hands over to my free one and grabbed his hand so I was holding his hand with both of mine and smiled up at him.

"Okay, we get it. You like each other. Quit being all couply and shit, you like each other. We get it. Move on people." Luke said and walking in between me and Asher breaking us apart and when's to the door.

I rolled my eyes at my annoyingly over protective brother.

And was about to go back over to Asher when Sydney came over to me and slung her arms around my shoulders and walked us to the door.

"You just love torturing me, don't you?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's what I do best." She said and kissed my forehead and I just let out a small laugh.

"I told you this would happen." She said and I nodded. "And now you're happy." And I nodded again making her sigh. "I blame myself really, I'm just a fucking goddess."

"Yeah, what ever you need to tell yourself." I said and we got into Jayden car and to my dismay—

Whoa Annie, that a pretty smart people word... or is it smart person?

Okay, you sounded smart for a smidget of a second and smidget isn't even a real word.

Okay, fuck it. This is my thought and I can think what ever I want to.

Fuck... I'm drawing a blank.

Oh yeah, Asher isn't even in our car. He's in Jack's so that all fun and fresh and shit. I can't believe Asher kissed me and I didn't do a fucking thing.

That's not how it's supposed to be!

But... then again, Asher kissed me.

There's a lot of different ways to think about this. But I love it. So we'll just think about that.

Once we got to Jack's place I changed into white sweatpants, a cropped reddish tank top, and put my hair into a messy bun and went down to the basement and saw that the guys and Anna were just chilling down there.

"Mario Kart?" I asked the usual crew and they nodded smiling.

I went over to the couch and sat next to Asher and to avoid the awkwardness of it all I grabbed his arm and put it around me myself and I didn't dare look at him but I could feel him smiling down at me.

"Oh hush you." I said still focusing on the game.

"I didn't say anything." He chuckled.

"Maybe not with your mouth." I rolled my eyes.

He rubbed my shoulder a little and brought me closer to his chest and I laid my head on his shoulder. 

"Your cute when your feisty." He smirked and I had to bite down on my lip to not smile.

"I thought I was always cute?" I questioned and Asher was about to say something but Luke cut him off.

"Will you two shut up?" He groaned and I just threw a pillow at him causing him to glare at me.

"One more comment like that and you'll be sorry, buddy boy." I threatened and he rolled his eyes.


Why do I always get déjà vu in Jack's basement? Because now I'm awake and I'm laying on Asher, y'all know the drill.

But it's like 9 because Luke is messing around on his phone and Syd, Lilia, and Anna are talking about something in the corner.

I tried to sit up but Asher's arms were wrapped around me again and I thought about the last time this happened and I smiled. I pinched his nipple again with he shot up causing our heads to collide.

"Ow." We said in sync and I think he said it because of the pinch but I put my hand to my forehead.

"Ow, why'd you do that?" I asked rubbing my head.

"Me? You keep grabbing at me. And not in a fun way." Asher groaned lying back down.

"You wouldn't let me go." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I like keeping you close to me. Is that a crime?" He asked in a duh tone making my smile.

"Aww." Me, and the girls smiling and I went into hug his lifeless body but Luke spoke up.

"Will you quit that. It's so annoying." He saying looking over at me and I glared at him staring deep into his eyes with a small smirk.

"LUKE LIKES ANNA!" I yelled and everyone looked at me and Anna's mouth dropped open as did Luke's.

"Girl, you better run." Sydney said with a small laugh and I immediately jumped up and hauled ass to the stairs and I head Luke not far behind me. I went into the first room I saw which was Jack's.

Both of us stopped in the doorway and our eyes widened at the sight. "Get the hell out of here!" Jack yelled at us and I was just frozen.

After a second I finally and unfortunately comprehended what I just saw. "Ahhh!" I yelled immediately covering my eyes and ran back down to the basement.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" I rambled.

"God I think I'm gonna vomit." Luke said sitting down down rubbing his eyes.

"What happened?" Lilia asked a little concerned.

"It was- and they, all- with... each other- and them." I stuttered out.

"Calm down, full sentences." Will said calmly.

"Jack," I took a breath in, "Jayden," I let it out, "no clothes," another breath, "together." I said with a weird hand gesture.

"No fucking way? What did you see?" Sydney asked.

"All of it." I complained. "God, she is way to hot for him." I said shaking my head.

"That is not true." I heard Jack's voice say behind me.

I turned to see him shirtless and buttoning his pants. "Ahh, put some clothes on you sinner." I yelled covering my eyes and tuning back around.

"I have pants on Annie, chill." He said.

"It's not enough man." Luke said tossing him a shirt.

"Ugh, y'all are a bunch of pansies." Jack said and I could tell he rolled his eyes.


Well now it's like even more cuter that they are all together and shit. And I love what Annie said to Jack. It made me laugh and I fucking wrote it.

Love you all💜🦔🌻

Just a kiss// Ashannie Where stories live. Discover now