Chapter Five - Evie

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I am used to feeling this pain. Pain of loneliness. Pain of not being enough for anyone. Pain of being sad all time. Since my Father left, I hadn't felt anything else. Just sad and alone. I know I have Noah but he doesn't take that pain away from me. Not even when he kisses me.
As I snap out of my deep thoughts. I remember where I am. Sitting on the freezing cold floor of the cubicle in my school toilets. Then I realise someone's arm is around my back and one of them on my tilted knee. Their head is leaned onto mine whilst comforting me. I had no clue what being comforted felt like. But at this very moment in time, I can feel it. I am not sure who this person is, which feels odd because I have never been comforted before, but I am grateful for it. I try my hardest to gulp down the lump in my throat and look at the person sitting beside me. My swollen bloodshot eyes stare at the familiar face that I had seen less than 5 minutes ago.
"You okay?" she asks with a warm smile.
"No not really" I reply honestly.
"You want to talk about it?"
"Not right now but thank you for asking" I respond grateful of her asking me.
"Have you got any plans after school today? Maybe we could hang out and maybe talk?" she's asks. I like this girl. I have barely known her for 10 minutes and she's already caring for me.
"Sure, I just can't be late home otherwise my Mother will shout at me for 4 hours straight" I say whilst half laughing even though it's not a lie. My Mother would. I look away from the girl.
"My name is Aliyah by the way" she says still with one arm around my back, still trying to comfort me.
"I'm Evie" I reply turning my head back to face her. Her smile is contagious.
"We better get back to class" she says.
"Yeah we probably should but I can't go out looking like this" I half laugh.
"I'll help you out. Rinse cold water underneath your eyes. It helps with the swelling" Aliyah says. I don't bother telling her I know what to do because I have to do it every day, but I don't bother. She stands beside me whilst I rinse cold water under my eyes with her hands laying on the sink next to me. Aliyah is beautiful. She has the perfect shiny brown hair that seem to match her eyes. Her clean white teeth are straight. Her light pink dress looks perfectly ironed out. And she has the most beautiful skin I have ever seen. The freckles on her face are very noticeable making her eyes glow even more. I wish I looked like her. I wish I was beautiful. Instead I have basic brown hair that doesn't glow. My eyes are dark brown that don't glow either. My skinny jeans are basic black and my white sweatshirt have tear drops covered on it making it look extremely damp. My skin is far from beautiful with acne scars covering my whole face.
"You ready?" she asks as I finish rinsing my eyes.
"Um..yeah...I guess" I nervously reply.
"Don't feel nervous. Be strong. You've got nothing to worry about. I'm here. You've got me" she gestures to the door making me follow her.
"Thank you Aliyah...thank you so much" I thank her.
"Don't thank me aha" she laughs "I'm not the best at comforting people" she laughs again.

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