Chapter Ten - Evie

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We walk through the park and decide to sit where the tall oak tree is. I used to sit here when I didn't want to come straight home from school and I would half-lie to my Mother and say I was at homework club. I used to finish my homework here because it was always so peaceful and no one came to bother me.
"This place is amazing!" Aliyah compliments the park. I smile back at her. "Do you come here often" she asks.
"Yeah I used to come here every day after school ended" I answer.
"How come everyday?" she curiously asks.
"It's just really peaceful here, I used to finish my homework here without anyone bothering me" I respond.
"That's a good idea. I wish I had something like this back in Canada" she says. I am thankful that she didn't ask more questions about me.
"I'm guessing you had a rough time in Canada then?" I ask.
"Yeah, it was tough. School was tough and so was my life at home" Aliyah looks down and her lower lip starts to tremble.
"What was tough about school?" I softly ask trying not to push her.
"My friends betrayed me and I was left on my own with everyone hating me" she responds still looking down at her fidgeting hands.
"What did they do?" I ask.
"One of them called Holly started to spread horrible rumours about me and no one believed me when I said she was lying. So school got tougher each day. No one talked to me and I just felt so isolated. I hated it" she begins to cry "everyone started to make fun of me and I just had enough of it. I forced myself sick every morning so I  could miss school. But when I went back after a week, it got worse. I couldn't talk to my parents about it because they were too focused on their work and Shawn" I wrap my arm around her back trying my best to comfort her.
"Shhhh. You don't have to experience that anymore Aliyah. You're going to be okay, I promise" I reassure her.

Two hours later, the sun starts to set and Aliyah walks me back home. I had a good time. I felt happy for once and I felt comfortable. Hopefully nothing gets in the way of that. "Here it is" I gesture to my home.
"It's so nice wow!" Aliyah compliments.
"I'm sure it's nothing compared-" I am cut off by someone screaming from the steps. I turn my head and see my Mother. Of course she is angry. Great.
"Evie get inside right now!" my Mother screams. I turn to Aliyah and she looks horrified and starts to frown towards my Mother. "I'm sorry" I force a smile at her because I know what she is thinking. I run to my Mother trying to avoid eye contact with her and go inside with my Mother following right behind me.
"What do you think you're doing Evie!" she screams again.
"I attended homework club after school and Aliyah decided she wanted to walk me home"
"Who the hell is Aliyah?!" she screams yet again.
"I met her at school. Today was her first day at school. She is lovely" I respond.
"Not with that hideous dress she was wearing. She looked disgusting!" my Mothers temper has notched up a lot since she first saw me outside. I get terrified when she gets like this. I never win and it always results with me crying my eyes out. "I don't want you having anything to do with that girl Evie! Do you understand!"
"Yes I understand" I respond. Of course my Mother had to ruin my day. She ruins everything for me.
"Good. Now go upstairs and shower. You smell disgusting" she orders me and walks back into the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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