Chapter 6

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"Seriously dude" Taylor asked walking towards me

"Taylor. Please don't hurt him" Madison said standing in front of me

"Mads. I got this. I don't need you hurt" I said moving her out of the way

"Stop. I'm helping you" she whispers looking at me

"No" I said

"Mads. Move. Now" Taylor says

I see Madison look down in fear


"Mads. Come here" I hear Johnson say

I turn around and walk over to him

"You have to say away from them" he says

"But-" I started

"No buts Madison. Stay away from them. I don't need you hurt" he says looking me in the eye

"But. I don't want Carter hurt. I'd rather be hurt if it means Carter won't" I said

"No. Let's go" he says pulling me backstage

"Jack" I said

He ignores me and sits me down

"Stay" he said pointing at me

I roll my eyes and go on Twitter

#CarterSmacksTaylor is trending

Of course

I decided to tweet

'Hey y'all. Everything is fine. Don't worry about it. Love you all'

I tweeted it and put my phone down


"Stay away from my girlfriend" I said looking at Carter

"She's not your property" He says

Yes she is

"Bro. Just stay away from her" I said

"What will you do. Hurt her again" he says

"No I don't hurt her" I said getting mad

"Explain what we saw in the bathroom then. Explain to EVERYONE why Madison was in the hospital. Explain why Madison has bruises under her makeup shes wearing to cover it up. Explain why Madison was crying this afternoon and I had to go comfort her. Explain why I hear screaming coming from yours and Dillons room. Why is Madison so depressed since your anniversary. Explain please" Carter says

"I don't know what happened in the bathroom. Madison passed out. That's why she was in he hospital. Maybe Madison fell and she has bruises. Maybe Dillon and I were tickling her. I don't know. I do anything and everything to make her happy. But stay. Away. From. Madison" I said and walked away


I watched Taylor and Carter fight

I shake my head hoping Madison didn't hear any of it.

I hate how he's lying even though we know it's true

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