Chapter 60

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Chapter Inspiration: The Reckoning (feat. Jacoby Shaddix) by Within Temptation

        No one was really sure which side started it, accounts vary depending on which side their were on. Either way, it didn't matter in the end as the two sides clashed in a thunderous manner. The first line of Naraku's horde was completely ripped apart. There were far less casualties from the households. But that was only the beginning. The air was filled with shouts and inhuman screeches, blades clashing, skin tearing. The scent of blood was becoming potent. That wasn't important either, just as long as there were casualties on either side. When one would fall another would be quick to fill their space trying to gain ground as the opposing sides pushed.

        Lord Seiichi and Lady Eri didn't waste time transforming into massive boars. Their armor conformed to their new appearances so both were well protected charging into the chaos with the soldiers quickly transforming to join their leaders. Their squeals could be heard over everything, trampling enemy demons in their paths, while tusks gored those in their way.

        Even some hawks were taking flight. Their talons extended as they dove into the chaos hooking around demons and jerking them into the air. Once high enough they were dropped falling to their deaths, or if they proved to be too much of a nuisance were ripped apart by the claws or with the aid of their beaks. But Lady Sanjou remained on the ground, cutting the heads off of snakes that dared to get close.

        Sesshomaru cut down everything in sight. He refused to acknowledge any demon he encountered for a long period of time, as his sole purpose was to find Naraku and Lord Orochi. The two had slipped away into the horde once they clashed. Cowards. It made him angry that they wished to hide behind their followers instead of stepping forward to meet their end. If they were so scared then neither of them should have begun this in the first place as a reincarnation stepped into his path.

        "The great Lord of the West," the woman taunted. Her eyes were blood red in color like her creator, with short purple hair and wearing a dark green kimono. There was a small pipe in her delicate looking hands with no visible weapons on her person. "A lot has been said about you. Let's see what's true and what's a lie."

        A green miasma began to expel from her body, crawling across the grass and causing it to rapidly decay. Poison. Taking the tip of the pipe between her lips, the reincarnation inhaled deeply with a smirk. Thinking the lord was distracted, a snake demon attempted to attack him only to meet a gruesome end when his poisonous claws ripped through his body. There were screams coming from their forces, Sesshomaru finding that the poison the woman had exhaled was eating them alive. So that was her weapon. Their flesh burned from the contact before it began eating away leaving them in agony. The reincarnation didn't even care if some of the horde got caught up in it either as the lord observed her at a distance for now. "What are you, a scared dog? Fight me! You're supposed to be a feared demon. Naraku claims you have been such a nuisance. I find that hard to believe right now."

        That was the problem with reincarnations, Sesshomaru always noticed; they were too cocky for their own good. And that would be this ones demise, just like all the others in the past.

        With a great swing, Lord Kira heft the otsuchi high into the air before bringing it down against the ground. The force was so great it caused the area to tremble and crack before spreading out into various ways like a spiders web. Because the fissures ran so deep the earth concaved on itself taking with it the great numbers that surrounded and threatened him. Many were buried alive, others getting body parts caught between the slabs, and the rare few that remained on top couldn't get their bearings fast enough. Lady Hirata used that to her advantage leaping into the hole and killing every last one of them without mercy. An ogre came charging from behind, Lord Kira turning to meet the creature head on. He dodged its attack easily for it was sluggish with its large form. Swinging the otsuchi again it broke the legs of the beast causing it to fall to the ground heavily. And with one last swing the weapon crushed its head in.

        From his vantage point Naraku was pleased. Everything was going according to plan. The four households did not worry him in the slightest. If anything they thought they were winning. Oh, how wrong they were as he signaled for a second wave. The rogue demons he had recruited came spilling out of the surrounding forest making a 'U' shaped formation that locked in the households to the field. There would be no escape. Not with his new children hunting the lords and ladies. Even now he could see that one of them, Oiwa, was confronting Sesshomaru as the demon tried to remain a distance from the poisonous smoke. He could only use long range attacks, but the reincarnation was cunning and swift avoiding every one. To the death indeed, he grinned. He longed for the day these households would never be a thorn in his side again. And all had been so willing to meet him in battle. What a mistake. How foolish. Their pride and arrogance would be their downfall, feeling the jewel in his possession pulse with desire. It wanted to make his wish whole. Once everything here was dealt with there was nothing to stop him from collecting what belonged to him.

        Sesshomaru's brows narrowed when the reincarnation avoided another attack. While the poison had touched him it had not eaten him away like the others, but it was uncomfortable. The skin on the back of his hand was red like a burn from the brief contact. And though he had been focused on the woman the lord was aware that Naraku had dispatched a second wave. His forces were beginning to feel its pressure as sections began to struggle holding the line. Acting swiftly, Sesshomaru dodged another attack, changing his weapons and swiping up Tenseiga into the air. Though causing damage was not an option with the blade it produced a streak of blue light that shot up high into the sky completely missing Oiwa. She grinned at his 'clumsy' nature. "How is a blade that cannot cut begin to help your situation?" she sneered. But that wasn't why he had utilized Tessaiga in the first place. Now, he only needed a break through the green cloud that surrounded her to get close enough for a kill–

        A large gust of air threw Oiwa back, the reincarnation not prepared as she attempted to brace against the wind. Glancing up into the air, Lady Sanjou's hawk form hovered with each powerful beat of the wings. The gust of them could push away the poisonous gas and that was all Sesshomaru needed. Rushing forward he was finally upon the reincarnation, raising Tokijin before bringing it down.

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