The Wrong Detective

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I was focused on one thing; doubt. Doubt was all I could think about. My depression lingers on, but from this point, I don't appreciate who I am or where I'm at. Memories of my past flash through my mind and I feel like I am defying gravity. I hear a mental clock in my head ticking, getting louder and louder until the school bell rang at just the right time. "Finally time to go!" I said, getting up from my assigned seat in the calculus class. Everyone looked at me with an odd expression and the teacher gave me a look I'm shocked didn't kill me. "That was the "Class is starting" bell, sit down!"She growled. I flinched and quickly sat back down in my seat, hearing murmuring about how much of an idiot I am, along with giggling and chuckling from both genders. I look at my reflection in the clear desk and saw I was almost having blurry eyes from my light tears. I scratch the itchy feeling on the back of my thigh, but stopped as my friend on my right side, Anika, poked my elbow. I look at her to see the cute, concerned expression. Anika was a very beautiful female and everyone at school liked her because of this. Anika had her black hair in a low, curly ponytail, her uniform, which was a blue and black blazer with a white shirt buttoned up underneath with an elastic black skirt, was simply perfect without any stains, and her perfect tan complimented her features more than ever. Her red lips, purple eye contacts, and perfect manicure made her look like an absolute professional. She was the vice president of the student council and was proud of it, but only because of her parents pressuring her. Me? I have mission buttons, and my dark brown hair was unkempt and pieces of it were all over my back, and of course, I'm not beautiful at all; with or without makeup. The only thing Anika and I have in common is our black flats with black knee socks. I wish I was as pretty as her. Instead, I am a beast and no beauty. I cover my eyes with my hand to hide my tears.

"You ok?"Anika asked. I nod and crack a fake smile. "Yeah, I'm perfect. What were you going to inform me?" "Oh, I was only just seeing if you were alright," she said, smiling a million-dollar smile. "If I keep acting like this, there is no telling what trouble I'll end up in." I grasp my head and sigh. "Hey, that's why I'm here for you, Macy." I look at her and smile more. Yep, that's my name. "Well, everyone else calls me 'Crazy Macy because I dance at random times, have a conversation with myself, and I am very bad at being normal around my crush. Don't worry, I'm not like a saesang or anything. I just am socially awkward with people. Anika saved me from the outcomes of these habits more than the stars in the sky and also prevents me from having bad grades, getting into fights, and my depression and suicidal thoughts. Anika is the only friend that accepts me for who I am and has no problem with it whatsoever. Unlike my parents, who threatened to send me away or kill me if I don't stop these habits. I am always the big talk at school by everyone at school; I mean everyone! But if it weren't for Anika being my first friend since kindergarten, I wouldn't have been here right now. I really could care less about my cold-blooded family because they are one of the main reasons I wanted to kill myself. But of course, I have to live for two people first before I think about dying. While I was lost in my depressive state of mind, Mrs. Uni kee was grabbing a stack of paper. "Miss Yue, pass this out to everyone, especially to Miss Mingi..." she made a glare at me again. I twiddled my thumbs and bite my lip. Anika passed out packets to everyone and as I received one, I wanted to jump out of the window. "Anika noticed my scared expression and whispered, "Don't worry, she gave us notes. Just because it's long, don't mean it's hard." "Heh, thanks, "I whispered back. After what felt like an eternity, the bell for our next period finally rang, and I was able to finish the packet, thanks to Anika. I grab my math materials and pack them into my black bag. I get up, not daring to make eye contact with anyone; especially Mrs. Uni key. She was in one of her moods because of her and her husband's fight last night. Anika waits for me patiently as I was cleaning up. When I finished, we both headed down the corridors with other students heading to their next class. As for us, we headed straight to the ladies' room. I made sure no one else was in the stalls as I pulled out my phone, with my already plugged in black earbuds. I put one of the earbuds in my ear and gave Anika the other one. I went to my private playlist and clicked on one of Jonghyun's songs. Before it barely played, Anika started to tear up. "Why his songs, Macy?" she said, her voice shaking. "It's been almost a year, but how and when he died is very suspicious, to be honest..." I hear a familiar groan, jumping a little as the door was kicked open. "He's dead for god's sake. We recognize it; all of Korea recognizes it. They had a funeral for him and everything. Move on already!" she huffed. Magneta is in between a friend and a bully. The reason why is because she's often sarcastic and yells at me as my family does. The only times I remember her ever being nice are when I was running out of money, and she would buy everything that I needed. She's bipolar daily. "No one saw his body; it was just a picture of him on the coffin! You remember that episode of Stranger things when "Will's" body was in the water?"Magneta rolls her eyes."First of all, that was a damn Netflix show we watched a few months ago when I threw that sleepover. Second of all, you know it is disrespectful in our culture to show the body of the deceased!" "Whether it's a part of our culture or not, that just makes my theory more on point."Anika gets between us. "Guys, stop. This is making me very depressed..." she said, going to the corner."Look what the hell you did, Macy! You're so damn annoying, irresponsible, crazy, sloppy, forgetful, and disrespectful! Just let the two who were dealing with depression, wrote a suicide note, and overdosed with pills, cut their wrists, and drowned herself or burned coal to create carbon monoxide rest in peace!"Magneta shoves past me and grabs Anika, leaving me alone in the bathroom. I sigh and grab my bag and put away my phone in the side pocket, then head out of the room as well.

Before I knew it, my classes had gone by fast and it was already lunchtime. I didn't have any classes with either Magenta or Anika before the lunch bell rang, but I do have lunch with them at least. As I headed to the cafeteria, someone behind me pushed me and I fell chest first into the cold, marble floor. Everyone who saw started laughing at me, along with the ones who didn't. I try to get up, but I get flipped over by two guys that pin me down. One of the popular girls at the school, Vanessa, took out a black marker and squatted down on me. There was no use resisting since I am physically weak; people also started to call me a disgrace, a mistake, or an accident. I started to tear up more as Vanessa started to write on my forehead. "If you died under whatever circumstance, no one would give a shit..." When she was done marking on me, she laughs along with the others. "What is going on here?!"The principal yelled. Vanessa had already vanished because she was the head of the student council. Everyone else froze as the principal gets closer. "You have until the count of three or all of you get detention! "One..." Before he even said two, everybody had scattered away. The principal gave a deadly glare towards them but softened as he saw me on the ground. He gently helps me up and dusts me off. "Are you ok?" he asked, concerned."Eh. I went through worse."I said shrugging. The principal looked at my forehead, eyes widened. "Let's get you cleaned up," he said, covering my forehead. I nod, and he guides me to his office. He lets go of my forehead, and I closed the door behind me. I sit down in one of the chairs and wait for the principal to come back from his mini kitchen. He started to get a paper towel and then gets it wet underneath the sink. He wrings it out and then comes back to me and gives me the towel. I thank him and rub the towel all over my forehead. The principal sits back in his chair, taking off his glasses and clicking his tongue. "Teens these days; always bullying someone." he said."It's a normal thing our age does, especially at school."I said, looking down."That's no excuse. There is no reason for anyone to be bullied for anything." "Maybe you can hold an anti-bullying assembly, Mr. Toka." The principal smiles a little. "I just might, so everyone will stop treating each other so cruelly." "You could even have the student council set it up, "I said. I secretly smirk because this was a chance of getting back at Vanessa. "Indeed...How is your "investigation" coming along?" the principal asked me."Well, no matter how I look at their story, I know they just died on the exact same day." "Well, there are people all over the world committing suicide every second in a day." "But why those two specifically?" Mr. Toka sighs. "I love how you have all this confidence in finding these two, but the police and the doctors all came to the conclusion that they both have passed on. With Yuriko's empty pill bottle and Jonghyun's evidence of his stove burning coal and he was in the house at the time, it proves that fact. Not to mention their suicide notes."I sit back and think."She died in 2016 and he died in 2017; doesn't that seem strange? You also forgot mention she cut her wrists with a blade or did she really do that? Plus, they both loved each other, and none of them wrote each other names in their notes."The principal nods."That may be true, but if they did they would both suffer from hate in their own country." "There are rude South Koreans here too, Mr. Toka; they were receiving hate left and right. Maybe this was to teach those haters a lesson, or to even escape to express their love for each other." Mr. Toka chuckled. "You'd be a good detective one day," he said, sipping his tea. I giggle. "Would you like some tea, Miss Mingi?" "Sure, I'm also quite hungry."Oh right, this is your lunch period." he said, heading to his kitchen."What would you like? Ramen? Noodles? Rice? You name it." "Beef ramen with orange chicken and sticky rice." Mr. Toka looked at me surprised. "Are you sure you can eat that much?" I nod. "I always win eating contests with my friends. This is nothing. He chuckled. "Ok then." he starts preparing the food. After he finished, I start eating with proper manners.

It took only 10-15 minutes to eat everything, not counting the chamomile tea. I thank the principal and clean my mess, then head to my other classes. Physics with Anika, World History with Magneta, and Drama with both of them. We barely talked to each other in class but didn't even talk at all as I drove them home. As I was done dropping off Anika, I head home and park in the space my eomma said to park in. I sigh of relief as I lock my car and grab the key underneath the rug, unlocking the front door cautiously. I quickly lock it as I get inside. I head upstairs and quickly get out of my uniform, slipping into black yoga pants and a white t-shirt. I pull out the phone that was on 38 percent and searched up "Show me Shoobee" by Yuriko on YouTube. I click on the video where it was the official version of her singing it. I paid close attention to the words she sang and the dance movements. "Hm. I wonder if this song has been reversed."I went into incognito mode and searched up the song and put 'reversed' after it. There were only a few results, but I clicked on the one with the most views. I wait for the video to load and put my earbuds in each ear. After the video had begun to play, a huge shiver went down my spine.

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