Know who to trust....

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Do you know those dreams that you try to remember but never can? Well, I had a dream that I was a mom and I had my son in my arms, running through the forest. I tripped afterward and there was a sharp and long object sticking up from the ground. I quickly turned to where my back hit the weapon and I had my son high enough to where he didn't get pierced. It went through my chest pretty deeply, but somehow, I managed to get up from the weapon. I was keeping my son closed to my shoulder so no blood would get on him. I heard running and rapid barking behind me as I kept walking to I don't even know where. My eyes were getting droopy and the blood from my wound gushed out like a fountain. I soon woke up and thought just for a second, I was in the hospital. I forgot about that though when my alarm started to go off. I quickly turn it off and get dressed quietly, packing my backpack with things other than what I needed for school. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, looking at myself in the mirror and putting one hand on the mirror and the other one on my face. I then shake my head and put my hands to my sides. "Stop it, nothing is wrong with you." I look at my phone to see the time. "4:32 a.m." I brush my teeth quietly and wash my face with a black towel. I put on a white tank with a black jacket and black jeans. I put on black flats and head quietly down our carpeted stairs. I use my phone as a flashlight to make some toast and to get a banana and orange juice. I turn on our big flat-screen TV, quickly having it at a low volume. I turn on my favorite comedy show on Netflix called, "Own it Like British". I start to eat my banana in the kitchen and sip my orange juice from a paper cup. The toast popped up and I speared vegan butter and strawberry jelly on it. I chuckle lightly as I eat my toast, watching the show. I check the time to see it was 4:50 and quickly finish my breakfast and turn off the TV I clean up my mess before grabbing the house key from the bookshelf, placing it under the mat just outside the door. I quietly close the door and head to my car, unlocking the driver's seat with my car key. I slip into the front seat, turning the ignition slowly to start the car. I drive towards the north to where the closest police station was. It was 10-15 minutes away though. The truth is, I had no plan on how to find Jonghyun and Yuriko. I mean, I don't even know where they were found "dead", so my best bet is seeing if the professionals can help. I guess if they can't help, I can maybe try the hospital. I sigh as I just kept thinking, turning on a station with smooth jazz playing on the radio. I relax a little, slowly pulling into the parking lot and parking properly. I get out of the car and lock it, walking confidently to the black hotel-style double doors.

Then, I stop. What exactly was I going to tell them? I can't just go in there and ask them for their documents. I try to think, then it hits me. I had a project with Magneta and Anika in our drama class. It was close to the end of September, and we were already starting Halloween themed assignments. It was very risky, but I didn't have any other choice. I slowly open up the door, getting hit with the smell of coffee and freshly printed paper. I saw mixed genders either, on phones, typing on their computer, or on their lunch break, not caring at all about my being here. I went up to the front desk, where a dark, brown-haired female was in a uniform I didn't recognize. It was red and white, with black slashes. I guess the chief assigned her a new position, but the people I know who had relatives working here never wore these. "You need something?" she said out of the blue, but with a calm voice. "U-Uh yes. I." I didn't know what to really say. If I asked about these two, I could get in trouble. If I asked to use the bathroom or something, that would raise her suspicion. "I started to get really sleepy from when driving and decided to park here, but I didn't want to get in trouble for just staying in my car, so I decided to come in." "Oh, well you can have a seat in a chair if you want. Do you drink coffee?" "No, that's alright. I can sit." She nodded and went back to work. I sat down and tried to think of a way to distract every possible cop here. But doing it by myself was a pretty much impossible task. "If I'm going to get those files, I need to be quick and have no slip-ups."I thought. I got up to ask where the bathroom was. The woman said it was down to my left and by that office. I bowed and started to head over there. As I saw the "ladies" label on the door, I noticed the label on the door beside it said, "Sheriff". I quickly got an idea and did the trick to make my eyes water.

I started releasing whimpers and pants to increase her acting. "Are you alright, ma'am?" a male officer asked me. "I'm very sorry. It's just when I saw the news on those 6 people, it broke my heart because I knew them." The officer sits beside me, interested. "What did you know about them?" I wipe my tears and looked down. "They were fans of important people that have passed on. They have very fragile hearts and were good students." "One of them was going to graduate." The officer told me. I nodded and he gave me a tissue. "I'm very sorry. Can I talk to the sheriff?" "Do you have an I.D.?" My heart froze from that. "What for?" I asked. "Us officers are split up for different positions of work and we're short-staffed during the mornings." I was nervous. If I give them my I.D., it's going to ruin my plan. "Nevermind. I can just ask the parents. Would you mind giving me at least one of their locations?" The officer was wondering why I changed my mind so quickly but shook it off and wrote it down. "They need someone like you." The officer said. "Take care." "Thank you sir." I wave goodbye and head back to my car. A part of me was terrified about how easy it was. 'Could they be covering up more than that suicide news?' I get in my car and turn it on, choosing not to go any direction to my house but put the location in my GPS.

"This might be the start to a lead, that not even an actor would want..."

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