Am I wrong?

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"So unhappy, they all hate me. 'Why do I still try? Knowing life is a lie.' 'Don't know, don't know.' "Where did you go, my hope? Oh no, oh no." Those lyrics freaked me out, especially for one that has a lot of conspiracy theories. I turned off my private mode and just went back to the public search on YouTube. I searched up, "epic dance fails" and clicked on the video with the most views. The whole entire video had me dying of laughter, but that all soon came to an end when my family came back. "Macy, help us with the groceries!" my eomma yelled. "Yes, ma'am!"I yelled back in response, rolling my eyes. I had paused the video before it went to the next one and went downstairs. "Get the bags already by the door and don't screw it up like last time..." she said, giving me a glare. Yes, eomma..."I said, heading outside slowly. I gently gather all the bags that were light in my right hand, carrying the heaviest bag in my left. I bring them inside, setting them carefully on the table. "Ok, I got them all." "Good. Now put the items away." my appa said."By myself?"I asked, confused."Yes, silly yeodongsaeng. You never do anything helpful anyway." my eonni, Ezra, said."That's fair, I guess."I said, with a frown. They all nod to each other and left the kitchen to their own rooms. I was left alone with nothing but groceries, cold or warm, to put away. "I've been dealing with this isolation for as long as I can remember, but I'm getting used to it little by little. Besides, that's why I have my music and best friends to get lost in." Speaking of them, after I was finished putting up the groceries my phone buzzed. I looked at it to see a text message from Anika on my lock screen. I unlock my phone and pressed on the messaging app and read her message. "TURN ON THE NEWS, RIGHT NOW!" I grabbed the remote from the couch and turned the channel that was playing some K-drama show to the news channel, and the news caused my jaw to drop.

"This breaking news, six suicides from a group of friends just a few hours beforehand. A little after the time school had been, let out, three females and males were found dead with either a rope around their neck, overdosing on bleach, and being electrocuted by indoor appliances." the female reporter announced." "Oh my gosh..."I mouthed. "We go to the police who found out the cause of this horrible tragedy." "What we found was a tablet that was currently playing, "Show me Shoobee, but backward. All we can say is, no one listens to this song backward. Ever!" a male police officer said. I then gained a huge mindset of suspicion. "If suicide was the case, how come I didn't automatically take my life?" My eyes then widened. "Anika! Those six people were killed by others, not themselves!"I texted."So you mean they killed each other because of the song? Like hearing it backward made them mad?" "No-no-no. I also listened to the song backward. But it was on incognito and I didn't feel suicidal or wanted to kill anyone." "So you're merely saying that they were being spied on and were tragically killed to not figure out about the emotional song?" "Yes, exactly." "But who would brutally kill them?" "The used company? What if Yuriko was scarcely giving critical clues behind her songs, and the struggling company did something to her to keep her mouth shut. They might have even killed her and made that look like a suicide!" "Why would the company do that to her though, Macy?" "Maybe because they knew about her and Jonghyun...." "That's very deep..." I know, Anika. Now you know that my theory is not that far off anymore." "But Yuriko and Jonghyun are both from different companies, so how would they be able to cover this up if it was a murder?" "Maybe because they weren't like the managers or people in the company that would be an obvious suspect..." "That may be accurate, but how exactly are we going to prove this?" "I don't know. Their companies are very smart, but I'm on their trail." "Just be careful and make sure to secure your house just in case." "You got it." I went to every opening in the house and started to barricade it. After I was done, I headed to my "room" and continued watching fails. I searched a 'try not to laugh anime edition' and almost lost as the reactors did.

My fun was ruined yet again as my eomma let out a loud, "MAACCYY!", which caused me to jump. I head downstairs to catch death stares from everyone. "You had one job and now this whole place is a mess!" she yelled. "B-But it's not a mess. The news explained how six people were killed just a few hours ago." "Um, if your ear waxed ears were listening, they said it was a suicide because of that K-pop song..."Ezra said. "Yuriko would never use a method to make people end their lives! Besides, saying a song makes you suicidal is utterly ridiculous."Everyone looked at each other and laughed."It's not hilarious when hearing it forwards already makes you depressed and listening to it forwards caused that effect, dumb yeodongsaeng." "What about me? I listened to it backward, and nothing happened, but it can if this place isn't secured. "Maybe that's because you're such an obsessive freak about it, you're immune," Ezra answered. "Do you recall what happened in 2016 and 2017 to two of the K-pop idols?!" "Who could forget? The two that ended their lives and the lifelong tragic emotions everyone who cared faced."appa said."Shouldn't you guys have a little respect and remorse? They've been through hell and back from their depression." "They both are in hell, daughter and they're not coming back. Now clean up this mess and if I see or hear another one of these K-pop shenanigans, you will be placed outside!"eomma threatened."But the two members were most likely m-" "MACY! You heard your eomma said. Don't make us do worse..."appa said. I clamped up and nodded gloomily, looking down. After I was finished cleaning up the areas, I yawn and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I dry myself off and finished putting on comfy pajamas. I headed back to my closet of a room and looked up information about Shekaro. Since her best friends' "death", she's going on an even longer break. Poor woman. To be honest, what just happened wasn't the first abuse my family has gave me. On my 17th birthday, they presented to me an old, iron board as an 'upgrade' for sleep. I think the reason they abuse me is because of all the financial and employment issues they've faced when I was firstborn. Their physical and verbal abuse seems to be the primary reason I considered to end my life, of course. They broke me and I gave up on telling anyone to help me and only Magneta knows about the hell my family put me through.

I charged my phone by operating the outlet just outside the door and searched up, "I'm okay", which is a guitar beat that has those white words on a black screen and the word "not" flashes in between the words occasionally. As I listen to the song, I text both Anika and Magneta in a group text. "Hey, guys..."I texted. "Hi Macy, are you okay?"Anika allegedly texted. "Define okay." "Shouldn't you be asleep? It's way past your bedtime."Magneta said."Oh, leave her alone. Did something happen after you had watched the news?" "No, but my family made me take everything down." "Wow, your family wants to die."Magneta texted. "Isn't 'being a pain in the neck' for your own family?"Anika texted. "Not now. They're all asleep." "Guys, I need to tell you all something." "What is it?" they both said. What I needed to say took me ten minutes to write. "Are you crazy?!"Anika said. "Where exactly are you going to go genius?" "I don't know, but I'm tired of my family doubting me about everything when I know I'm right. I want freedom!" "Will we at least see you at school?"Anika asked. "If I don't get caught, then yeah." "This is a suicide plan, M. I know I act as if I don't care for you, but please think about what we just saw on the news and all the other dangers." "I already have Maggie, now I just need you two to make it look like I am still present at school."How do we do that?" they both texted. This part took me another 10 minutes to write. "You better pray we pull this off, "Magneta said. "I know you can because I'm counting on you both. Well, I have to go now, see ya." "See ya later, sis." they both texted. I turned my phone off and went to sleep for tomorrow was not going to be like any other.

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