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I walk out of the room, smirking. No one's going to try and screw the Government over like that and get away with it, even if she is the President's daughter. Something about her annoys me. I don't know what it is, and, frankly, I don't care. I just do what I'm told and I enjoy it. Of course, the reason of enjoyment is personal.

I return back to the President's Office.

"Done," I say, kicking the door shut behind me and pulling out my tablet.

"Good, good..." Murkas mutters, his nose inches from his computer screen. "Where did you shoot her?"

"Between her neck and shoulder."

"Did you give her my message?" He asks, putting his hand out for the gun he had given me.

"Sure did," I say, handing it over.

"Great," He smiles, leaning back in his chair and replacing my knives with his gun inside a drawer of his desk. He hands my blades over and I tuck them into their sheaths on my hips. It feels so good to have them back. "How good are you with those things?" He asks, leaning across his desk.

"I've known how to use them since I was little," I say, a pained smile tugging at my lips. "I learned from the best, my father being a Hunter and all. Having violent parents has its perks."

He smiles a half smile at my half-truth.

"Good. I have a task for you. I want you to teach someone a lesson. Don't kill my prisoner. Not just yet."

"Do I know him?" I ask, leaning against the wooden surface of the desk, excitement growing inside me.

"I think it'd be better if you don't ask," He says threateningly.

I ponder this thought, bringing out a knife and running it over my fingers. It gleams in the artificial light of the office.

"Why not?"

He sighs, looking at me. He's thinking about something.

"I knew I was going to have to do this. I don't even know why I reset you. It was a brilliant idea at first, but everything has its own flaws."

He pulls out a needle from the same drawer he had put the gun in. I back up a little, holding the knife out a bit to protect myself.

"What's that?"

"I had reset you. Now I'm giving you your memories back. Hold out your arm."

He injects some of the serum into the inside of my elbow. Everything comes rushing back to me. Everything.

I smile, fire flicking to life inside my body.

"Now, will you do the task?"

"I will."

I've always done this. It was my job in the Rebellion, besides saving people. I was the executer, torturer, and the one who would make the paths clear when they weren't. This is my life.

And this assignment is no different, aside from it being slightly on more of a personal level.

Murkas gives me the directions and I find the door. It's farther down than anyone ever goes inside the underground building and all alone too.

I walk in, the room lit by several torches on the walls. Someone hangs by his wrists from the high ceiling, his head covered with a bag and his body limp.

"Hello?" He calls, the voice utterly familiar.

"How long have you been up there?" I ask, tossing a knife up and down, trying to figure out what it is I'm going to do to him as I recall what it is he did. I smirk.

"A few hours...?" He breathes heavily. "I don't know why..."

I smile, as I take off my jacket. I press a button on the clear screen next to me on the wall, and the guy starts to lower to the ground.

He starts to tell me thank you over and over, as if I've come to rescue him.

He'll be thanking me that he's still alive when I'm done with him.

I pull the other knife out, wiping them on my pants as I walk up to him.

"Don't thank me yet," I say, a smile forming on my face.

And as I pull off the bag, that smile only gets bigger.

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