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I follow the girl's scream. It drives me to a white, wooden door located at the end of the left hallway. I slowly knock on the door, so silently, that it makes the wind roar compared to it. In a fast movement, I turn the rusty door knob in a rush, hearing nothing but my desperate breath and my drumming heart.

I settle myself inside the asfixiating room, not an open window, not a single light. As I go in deeper, searching with my extended arms while my eyes start to adapt to the darkness, distinguishing silhouettes of unknown objects, I reach a table. At first, I can only feel dust and lots of spider webs. A spider climbs up on my hand, and as weird as it might sound, I start to caress it.

A cold shiver runs through my body. My blood is cold, just as this world. I start to listen to some rusty sounds outside the windows. Maybe it's just some tree branch caressing the glass just like my hand was with the spider a while ago. Another lighting strikes, illuminating the full room, and I get to visualize some pictures lying on the table. "Let's stalk this family for a while" I say to myself as I grab one of the pictures next to a huge spider web; its owner climbs up on the picture and I simply blow it away.

Suddenly, a candle start to frickle at my back. I turn around and lean down to grab it, without asking any questions.

I turn back to the table and grab the same picture. It's so old, but it's still clean and visible.

"This is such a cute picture" , I think while staring at the photo; a tall, young man holding a blond baby dressed up in an alligator onesie. Their faces look full of joy and hope, they look so happy, and suddenly, I realize where was this picture taken...that's MY PLACE.

I reach out and grab another picture, without my consent, now I'm at MY PLACE, screaming.

I feel my throat ripping out as I scream my lungs out at the age of 8.

"What have you done?!"

"You little monster!

"Get away!"

My parents blamed on me

And of course, I was guilty.

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