Chapter 4 - Devils Doom (2 of 2)

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-Sexual exploitation


If you are not comfortable with these themes, please go to the bottom of the chapter and you can find a quick summary of everything that has happened, without the graphic detail :)


Just after the first gunshot, Mary carried on walking up the road ahead, leaving her three brothers to fight numerous men. Her whole body trembled with fear and she stumbled with the alcohol rushing through her body. Her short legs moved as quickly as possible without looking panicked, her grey trousers swaying in the wind. She gripped John's knife as if her life depended on it.

BANG - another gunshot sent shockwaves through her body, trying to act as normal as possible, she carried on and did not look back in fear of seeing a dead brother. Her thoughts surrounded her, embraced her, encouraged her, as she forced herself to think like a strong woman. Think. What would Polly do?

As she turned around the corner, and out of sight, she began to walk much faster, trying to make her way through small cut-throughs to escape quickly to the stables where Tommy had instructed her to go.

She began to talk to herself in her head: "come on Mary. You've got this, you can do it, do it for your brothers, it's an easy task. Just keep going. Just keep walking and you'll be there soon. It's okay, you're calm, you're doing good", she kept trying to reassure herself. 

Though now, she could hear the faint sound of footsteps behind her, praying they were only one of her brothers, she didn's leave it to chance and carried on walking as fast as possible, occasionally bumping into objects in her way, and tripping over a few chunks of stray coal. The footsteps were getting louder, and the panic inside of her was growing and growing and growing. Sweat gathering on her hand and the handle of the knife becoming difficult to clench, she still clung onto it for dear life. 

Mary began to run, letting the panic consume her completely. Her short legs would not allow her to run fast, and her drunken state held her back more so, with the feeling of sickness and fear completely overtaking her. It was life or death, do or die, and Mary was prepared for neither. The footsteps grew louder and the space between each sound of the step got quicker and quicker, that was until she felt a breath on the back of her neck and a gun pressed to her beck, forcing a cold chill to shoot down her spine. She stopped running, freezing in a doomed situation, barely knowing what to do, though hiding the knife just above her sleeve. 

A breathy and low pitched voice grumbled into her ear, making Mary shudder with each word which was spoken. "What is such a young and beautiful girl doing out at this time...Aye?" the voice hummed, his lips brushing Mary's ear, making her whole body shake through fear. She stayed silent, unable to speak a word, too frightened to even turn around and see this faceless voice. 

"Does the little lady not speak? That's a shame. I thought all the Shelby's were outspoken, loud-mouthed twats. I must have thought wrong.." He continued, allowing a small but menacing laugh to escape his hips, moving his head closer to Marys, tucking his head into the crease of her neck. "Oh, I am going to enjoy you... That is certain" With this line sending alarms into Mary's brain, even in this state, she knew what was going to happen. She also now recognised the voice. It was William. A man her brothers spoke often about, instilling Mary with fear anytime she heard his name. Now she had his lips on her neck and the feeling was sickening, with every ounce of her wanting to scream, though feeling a small round stick-like object pushing gently onto her back, she knew she shouldn't.

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