Killua X Reader An Aura Lining

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An Aura Lining

(A silver lining)

Red string of fate soulmate scenario except it can only be seen with gyo! Killua has noticed this odd aura string for quite some time but never bothered much with it. Although upon meeting Bisky during Greed Island, he questioned it out of curiosity. Bisky told him about how sometimes people, specifically nen users, are able to see this silver lining. After parting with Gon, he left with Alluka to travel and maybe finding this certain soulmate of his.

(Alluka is 14 and Killua is 16, potentially reader is about 15 or 16. Whichever you so much desire <3)

Credit to @WillowMuffinChips for the idea of having the red string of fate replaced as nen, tysm ;)


        A pair of bright oceanic blue eyes became filled with the power known commonly as aura. The boy named Killua laid flat on his back on the bed that belonged to his and his sister's rented room. Killua lifted his right hand up to examine the nen attached to it. Thoughts and questions consumed him before he spoke up. "Hey Alluka?" The albino haired boy lifted his torso up onto his elbows and made eye contact with his black haired sister. "Yes big brother?" Alluka looked to Killua with her big adorable orbs. "Lets find my soulmate." Killua stated with sincerity and determination laced in his voice. They held each other's gaze for a few moments.

        "What's a soulmate?" Alluka asked innocently. "Well you see- A soulmate is, uh it's like someone who you're meant to be with." He stuttered on his words with a slight pink tint on his pale cheeks. Killua may be very clever and creative, but growing up with the kind of childhood he had, made romance rather difficult. The closest he had ever gotten with a person was Gon, Alluka, and Nanika. However it was different. He knew that much. "In that case, you're my soulmate big brother!" Alluka concluded and gave a toothy smile with a giggle. "W-wait! Not quite it's more like- well- you're my sister Alluka its different! Don't get me wrong, you're very important to me, but a soulmate is being with someone in a romantic way!" The pale boy's arms flailed about trying to explain something that was so foreign to him to his little sister. "Oh! Ok I get it now! Let's go find your soulmate big brother!" She responded, now understanding.

        "Easier said than done sis." Killua shut his eyes and breathed out. He was now glad he got his sister to understand, yet rubbed his head at a loss of what exactly to do next. "First let's head out and get ourselves some breakfast and try to come up with something." He puffed out his lips with his brow raised and looked at Alluka for confirmation. "Kay." Her sweet honey like voice rang out.

        Their steps were in sync as the siblings walked out of the small hotel and into the streets. Small shop and food signs were passed by as they looked for a place to sit down and eat. The fourteen year old pointed out a place that had foods that Alluka seemed to please her. A popular place known for its breakfast IJUMP. (you might be wondering, did this author really just change the name IHOP to IJUMP? Yes, yes I did. Hey if Yoshihiro Togashi can change New York to York New then I sure as hell can change IHOP to IJUMP) Alluka led Killua by the hand over to a seat that the duo usually sat at for their food. Once they ordered, the planning began. "So why are you so interested in finding your soulmate big brother?" The girl looked up at Killua. "To be honest, this nen string has been really annoying ever since I learned about nen. Plus ever since we got here, I've felt it grow even stronger. I'm almost positive that they are close by." Killua clarified while looking around for any clues as to find this certain special person. It should be easy anyway right? He isn't just a hunter for nothing. He wished he could simply just follow the attachment but the string only faded the longer it got. Two plates filled with gratifying fragrant scents pervaded their senses and both whipped their heads in the direction of the smell. Their gazes were infused with hunger and desperation as they looked at the waitress.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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