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taehyung didn't know what he was doing wrong.

why was jeongguk avoiding him?

in their last year of middle school, taehyung was at the average age of 14, while jeongguk was 12. the older of the pair sat in his

the couple in front of him stared, no, glared at the jeongguk. the younger was sat with a different group of people, a group consisting of seokjin, namjoon, and hoseok. they were all sat laughing at each other jokes and having what looks to be a pleasant conversation.

taehyung pouted as he watched jeongguk throw his head back in laughter, wishing it was him that caused that magical sound.

"he's been acting weird since last week. we still sleep together — not in the way you guys think," taehyung was quick to say, whipping his head to look at jimin and yoongi with narrowed eyes.

"-but he doesn't sing to me or hug me like he would before." taehyung could feel his frown deepening. "i don't understand what i did to make him so upset with me."

jimin and yoongi looked at each other. the young couple shared the same thought without even talking.

"taehyung," jimin's sweet voice said. "you have done nothing wrong. he's just being a jerk."

yoongi's low voice agreed. "yeah. he's probably just looking for more people to be friends with. you didn't do anything wrong."

taehyung sighed, staring longingly at jeongguk's back. "i hope you guys are right."

taehyung stood up from his seat, brushing off non-existent crumbs off his long trousers. "well, bogum hyung asked me to help him with his project, so i better get going now."

jimin's eyes grew wide at the fact,

"how long has he been asking for help on this project?" jimin asked skeptically.

"a week," taehyung said, looking confused. "why?"

jimin and yoongi looked at each other again. yoongi's lips curled in a half smirk and jimin's eyes crinkled in realisation.

"no reason," the oldest said, wrapping his arm around jimin's waist.

"have fun helping bogum," jimin chimed.

taehyung's head tilted, perplexed by his friends' suddenly odd behaviour.

"uh, okay?"

and he walked away from the table, exiting the cafeteria still wondering what his friends could've been hinting at.

"jeon's jealous," jimin said giddily.

"of course he is."

"i'm glad i don't need to be jealous of someone taking you away." jimin nuzzled closet into yoongi's side.

"i should be worried about someone taking you away," said yoongi, kissing the top of his boyfriend's head.

jimin giggled and the couple just chatted about anything until the lunch bell rang.


the next morning, taehyung woke up to a cold bed. jeongguk's side was unoccupied, but it has been for the past week so taehyung didn't think much. jeongguk would probably just be downstairs eating the breakfast mrs. kim prepared.

the older yawned and stretched, his face scrunched up cutely, not that anyone would see. he smacked his lips a couple times, throwing the fluffy bedsheets aside and slipped his feet into fluffy slippers. the slides slapped against the cold floor as he made his way to jeongguk's bathroom, scratching his stomach from under jeongguk's shirt.

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