---The Auspicious Time---

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When my eyes opened my neck was aching from hanging loosely on one side. I was sitting on a chair, my legs resting on another one in front of me. My head has to point to rest so probably it was bobbing in my sleep or whatever it was. I was in a room I have never seen before and it definitely didn't look luxurious.

After a few seconds, Tahira rushed in with jewelry in her hand and a maroon-colored gown sweating profusely and panting hard. I looked at her my head still heavy and a little dizzy.

"Where are we?" I asked her.

And she inhaled sharply," My room."

"What's wrong with you?" 

"I might have bashed the Sorceress of Mountains on the head and ran all the way here before guards realize what is happening."

"You did what?"

"well, she was magically protected so I couldn't manipulate her mind. I went in as a maid with flowers as a gift from the Kingdom and the rest of the story you already know." She said using the simplest means to knock a Queen of Kingdom out.

"But guards will notice at a point," I said rushing to get in the gown while Tahira struggled with the jewelry.

"So we have to be quick."

"Does the Prince know?" I asked worried that he might take some drastic action soon if he didn't know.

"Not yet, it's impossible getting to him. Even Eirik is struggling." She said as she hastily applied color to my lips.

But a Little tiara over attached with the veil I was ready to go quite quickly for a bride.

"I wish Prince doesn't react too badly during the wedding." Tahira worried as she surprised by leading me through a hidden path from her room to the palace.

"Don't worry, he will know it's me," I said because he has caught me before just by my aura.

"Through your aura, how can I forget." She stopped and smacked her head.


"If Prince can, then King can also see the aura, you have to mask  yours." She said and I was again in a test.

"How do we do that?" 

"What have you done as a Binder Princess?" She gave me an eye roll,"Just block all the magic around you, kind of like creating a shield."

So I did, I imagined myself wrapped in a bubble that no one could penetrate. And hoping it was done correctly I was ready to go.

"Princess." Tahira stopped me with an annoyed tone.

And came forward to pull the veil down to hide my face.

I would be lying if I didn't say this was a little exciting, only if nothing goes wrong.


This was a grand occasion, and a different venue was decorated for the event. It was not the kind of wedding I got and people were actually excited about it just not the groom in this scenario.

When the beating of drums started I was a little surprised.

"Let's go, it's time for your entry," Tahira said and grabbed my upper arm as she guided me to the wedding venue.

"Is he here yet?" I asked since I haven't seen the Prince for two days and I was worried that he might take drastic measures.

"No- Oh, He entered just now." She whispered.

"How does he look?" I asked.

"Umm...masked, as always and everyone looks disappointed at that." She said.

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