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The witch said, if I committed suicide I will never meet her. So I lived.

I lived through the pain of her loss, I lived by punishing those who brought us this life. I lived while trying to be the good she saw in me and sacrificed herself so that I could live. The sword was gone, the evil was gone. Henley died and the King of Nevarlia was killed by my father. Sorceress went into hiding or maybe she went far from the world that gave her nothing.

Tibran was commanded to rule the Mountains while I was asked to merge Fotizia and Nevarlia but I wanted to be free of all this. I choose Silverlights, to build it from the scratch, a home my wife lost and a home I needed right now to breathe and live.

Look for the girl with the locket. 

But when? How? She wouldn't give me a clue. If people feared me before they were absolutely terrified of me now. My mother said I carried so much sadness that it made my personality to be scared off. She didn't know what I felt, she didn't know every night I would lay awake with a sharp pain in my heart as if someone was stabbing it again and again.

The drinking didn't help, the crying didn't. Nothing could help me and my mind consumed my soul. My broken heart allowed me to live exactly four hundred and twenty-seven days before I took my last breath. That is how long I could survive without her, that is how long my heart and mind could handle.


Current day.

I typed furiously of the memories I had again. The pieces falling together. I was late for school but then again it didn't matter. I was always late, even teachers gave up on me completely.

This time it was about a girl who I have kept inside a room as per my last few dreams and memories. Besides being beautiful she was brave, she didn't give up. I have tried, from striking her down in one stroke to let her die in the prison but I couldn't. 

The fire of survival in her made me curious.

"You need to come out now Ivor before your father had to drag you out." My mother nagged me again.

"Step-father," I called out because my father ran away leaving my mom alone with me.

She re-married when I was twelve but she raised me alone for six years.

"You are asking for a punishment Ivor." My Stepfather yelled," You are eighteen now, learn some manners."

We didn't get along well, just because he thinks he had some kind of authority over me.

I typed quicker now not wanting to hear another lecture.

The scene was so clear in my head as she tiptoed and checked for the injury her sword made on my cheek. The first injury in ages.

At that moment maybe I forgot how to breathe. Maybe that was the moment I saw someone care for me or maybe it was just her beautiful eyes that bore into mine, I knew she was not going to be an easy task.

With that, I slammed down the Laptop lid and hurried out.

"Breakfast." My mother said in a chiding tone.

I picked up a toast and mumbling a farewell I stepped out. For the most part, I was accustomed to my past life memories now.  Honestly, I looked forward to seeing and remembering things, remembering her.

The school bus was long gone by now so I had to use my cycle to get to school since my step-dad would not let me have a car till I get inside a college, even though I earned myself a license.

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