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"Liahna, can you hear me?" I heard a distant voice and I struggled to cry back but no voice came out.

"I am coming to get you, don't worry at all." He said and I know it was Ivor.

I sobbed but failed to speak a word. I was getting restless and my heart was aching.

"If you die Liahna I will destroy everyone and everything, so live to saves other lives." He said in a tone filled with worry.

I will live just to save your life. I thought in my head I couldn't speak the words out loud.

A splash of water hit my face, I realized maybe it was a dream.

But I  hoped it was not and he will come as he did back in Henley's palace.

"You need to wake up Lia and take me to the sword," Henley said holding a look of pity for me.

"Never," I growled the words hatefully.

"Oh, but did you know the nice little trick. The witch gave me the poison blade that I struck you with, it affects the soul more than the body. So while you might feel yourself losing energy, Dark Prince will feel it too."

He was roaming around me with that sword in his hand like I was a prey to be sacrificed.

"So now I will ask again, get me the sword or I will use this sword on you again."

Every wound made by the sword was burning with pain that made me nauseous. I didn't want Ivor to feel the same pain. But then again, if I picked up the sword, no one else could yield it and I can kill Henley myself before he could kill me.

Though I was weak right now but getting the sword would do no good to Henley. Or maybe he knew something I didn't know. In any case, Ivor was my sole priority right now and I needed to protect him.

"The sword Lia?" He reminded me, breaking my thoughts.

"Why do you need it anyway?" I asked buying time hoping the dream I saw was not a dream.

"Because my Kingdom needs a power like that."

"Your Kingdom?" I scoffed at him even though every part of me was hurting.

"Yes, once I make sure that you can yield the sword, you will be my bride." He said and I couldn't hold it in.

I started laughing loudly, so loudly that the guards around us looked kind of wary.

"Henley, have you lost your mind along with your decency?" I laughed even more as the time successfully ticked by.

"Oh dear Lia, I can make people do things they don't want."

"Like kill me if I don't marry you?" I laughed even more but it grew darker.

"Dark Prince will destroy you before that." I snapped at him but he smiled.

"We will see, I am an enhancer Lia. Whatever dark magic is there I can multiply it tenfold, you are alive because I want it."

"No, Henley, I am alive because I am a Binder and I can stop that stupid little trick of yours."

"You think you can yield the sword and kill me?" He asked not mocking me.

That was actually the idea in my head.

"Try doing that." He challenged me and I felt like he was way stronger than he let on.

He was going easy on me because some dumb selfish part of him loved me or so he said.

"Don't glare at me, you know you are a damsel in distress no matter what you do. Connecting your souls made him vulnerable. And your father didn't even train you in being a proper binder for some reason." He was mocking me.

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