---Hunting Accident---

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A raging Henley was the first thing I heard when I woke up. My whole body was sore and I felt like throwing up. I tried to speak but my chapped lips made it painful for me and I coughed to get Henley's attention.

I wanted to talk to Tahira alone.

"Lia." He whispered in relief and sat down next to me.

He looked apologetic and concerned. Did he know that his mother was behind all this? Stepmother anyway.

"Can I talk to Tahira alone? I need the injuries on my body looked after." I lied giving him my most convincing pained face.

"Sure, sure. You rest and I will come back tonight to escort you to dinner." He said and bend forward planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

And for some reason, my body flinched. The earlier attack on me left my nerves jumbled and frazzled. 

Thankfully Henley didn't question my flinch and left me alone with Tahira.

"Where is he?" I asked in an angry tone.

"Who?" Tahira looked confused.

"Your master." I spat out with contempt.

He can't just play with my emotions like this.

"Prince Bretrarum?" She asked looking truly curious at my question.

Did I dream again? Like I did during the fever.

"Who saved me?" I asked dread filling my brain.

I can't keep dreaming about him when he was the cause of this.

"You saved yourself. You stabbed him with his brooch and used his sword to hurt him." Tahira said and I realized this was not the story.

I barely had the strength to move my muscle let alone hit with a sword. Or maybe my brain was too muddled.

But I saw him, his face, his tears, his indigo eyes.

"Why would you ask about the Prince?" Tahira asked narrowing her eyes at me.

"No reason," I answered lamely not convincing her.

Besides her now, the queen hated me and I was unsafe in the palace now. I had basically no home or safe place left for me. All I had was me to protect myself.

"I want to go the League practice," I said and Tahira looked slightly taken aback.

"Princess, you are not in the condition to battle." She reminded me.

"I know. But I can't keep sitting here and do nothing." I didn't want to tell her that the drunken man and his touches were making me feel nauseous and that I wanted a distraction.

"Prince Henley would not allow that," Tahira added.

"Do you want me to be the spy or not?" I asked frustrated at her.

"You have very less time left Princess."

"So let me join the practice and try taking care of the Queen for me, "I asked one of my problems to take care of my other problem.

"I will take care of the Queen but I am not leaving you alone."

She was not an easy one to fool with. 

"Fine then let's go to practice."


Tahira was right, I was in no condition to fight. Also, the soldiers looked at me with slight intimidation maybe because I killed a council member in the half-drugged state. I just sat down and observed the movements and techniques.

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