|•Chapter 3•| Taken

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{Sorry about my spelling mistakes I'm to lazy to double check this chapter}

(Louise pov)

I wake up to hearing loud noises, sitting up and looking around the 'nest' as daddy calls it, it's just a bunch of pillows and blankets on the big bed and seeing that Daddy isn't here.

Making my way through the nest of pillows and blankets to the window to see what's going on, I see that daddy calls a 'horde' running past the building.

'Where's Daddy'

'Did he go out for a hunt'

I wipe my tears with the long sleeves of my hoodie.

'I'm starting to get scared'

I jump hearing the door on the out side of this room opening and the sound of a lot of feet running in and the door shutting.

Getting scared I jump back into the nest, calling the one person that always protects me from danger hopping his nearby.

"DDaaaaad Daaddddyyyy"

Every thing goes quiet.

"Daaaa daaaa" I call out again.

I start to hear whispering.

'What's out there' I thought looking at the door with wide eyes.

'It kinder sounds like.'


Oh no what have I done I shouldn't of call out.

I can hear them getting closer to the door.


'Where are you Daddy I'm scared'

And closer

I hear the jiggle of the door handle and the door swings open.

Hissing out of fright and defence I quickly hide under the pillows.

(Survivors pov)

-A pit before meeting Louise-

"God all we had to do was capture one special infected for Dr Howard but nooooooo Hanna being a clumsy jumpy scaredy-cat sets of a car alarm and now where stuck in this building with who knows what is in it" snaps Tom giving Hanna a glare as they enter a room closest to the entrance to the roof.

"I said I was sorry, why were we sent on this mission anyway" says Hanna looking down, playing with her fingers looking sad.

"Because we need to prove ourselves to
Dr Howard, he is the boss of the place we wont to stay at, it's safe, secure and armoured top to bodem we need it" says Brian now sitting on the couch and the others sitting on the arm chars or on the couch he was on.

"Guys quiet, do hear that" whispers Sally looking at the door that could lead to a bedroom, hearing something from the other side.

"What what do you hear" asks Hannah a pit to loud but Sally quickly cufferd her mouth.

"Sshhh sshhh listen" whispers Sally making everyone go quiet.

"Daaa Daaaa Daaaa"

"What is it" asks Hannah scared of what is behind the door.

"Is it a special infected" says Tom Pulling out his gun walking towards the door but was stopped by Brian.

"No wait, if it is a special infected we can capture it for Dr Howard and we won't go back empty handed" says Brian looking at his team members hoping they would agree with him.

"Yeah, I never heard of an infected that sounds like it, it could be a new one"says Sally with a smile on her face.
"Dr Howard will definitely let us in"

With a nod they make their way towards the door but as they get closer to the door the noise gets louder like if it's calling for something and panicking.


Brian graps the door handle with Tom holding his gun up at the door just incase it jumps at them while opening the door.

Giving a quick count to three Brian opens the door, holding up his own handgun.

"Hisssss HIsssss Hisssss" it hisses quickly hiding under the blankets on the bed.

"What was that" asks Hanna jumping back in fright.

"It looked like a Hunter" says Sally.

"No it looked to small to be a hunter" says Brian.

"Hissss Hisssss" it hissed again moving a bit more under the pillows.

"Stuff it"says Tom walking around the bed to where the hissing is coming from.

"Tom what are you doing we don't know what that thing is" whispers Hannah panicking a little.

"One way to find out" says Tom going to the pillow that he thinks it's under, lifting the pillow he sees what looks like a little girl curled in a ball shaking like it's scared.

The Hunter and His pupWhere stories live. Discover now