|•Chapter 4•| Stolen

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(Survivors POV)

"What th—" Tom says but was cut off by it jumping at him, but Tom was quick enough to grab the back of its hoodie, little claws missing his face by inches.

"Hurry help me with this thing" says Tom still holding it by the back of its hoodie trying to doge it's little claws.

Brian quickly comes over grabbing its little rists and pining it down on the bed with Toms help while is wiggles around like crazy trying to bite them and escape.

Brian sees that the sleeves of its hoodie is a bit too long.

"Quick tie the end of the its hoodie sleeves so it can't scratch" Brian says quickly ties the ends of its sleeves so it can't get its hands out, with Tom doing the same with the other.

"No way it is a hunter but how" Sally says getting closer to the little hunter reaching out her hand to her hoodie.

"Woo what are you doing get your hand away from its face it could bite you" worns Brian.

"I just won't to see"says Sally trying to not to get bit while grabbing the back of its hoodie, quickly pulling the hoodie down reviling a little girl with shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes with a little pit of blood around them.

"Mmmm guys" whispers Hanna but everyone ignore her, too focus on the little girl.

The little hunter girl quickly hides her face from the brightness of the sun and the humans, giving up on trying to get free because she knows she won't get free but it wouldn't stop her from biting them if they get to close.

"It a baby hunter"

"What the hell"

"There's female Hunters"

Where some of the questions from Brian, Sally and Tom, studying the little hunter girl.

"GUYS" Hanna says louder finely getting they attention.

"If this is what you say it is, where's the parents" questions Hanna with her normal scared look on her face.

That made them all freeze.

"Shit we need to go, has the horde pass yet Sally" says Brian giving quick orders needing to get everyone out of the building before the so called parents come back.

"There gone just some stragglers but we will be good" says Sally looking out the window.

"Good, Hanna you carry the little girl and Tom you hold its head, stop it from bitting Hanna" says Brian costsing Hanna to come forward to take a hold of the little hunter girl.

"Wait we're going to take it with us, I don't fill comfortable taking it away from its parents" says Hanna shaking scaredly taking a hold of the little hunter girl not wonting to disobey the leader, placing the little hunter girl on her hip like what you would do with a child, flinching as she tried to bite her shoulder but luckily Tom held her face with his hands on both side of her face.

"Look Hanna it's ether take this to Dr Howard and get a nice and safe place to stay OR we can leave it here go back empty handed and go back to getting chased by infected and sleeping with your eyes open. What do you choose" says Sally

Not wonting to go back to being chased all the time and sleeping with her eyes open.

"O-ok but I still don't like it" mumbles Hanna looking down filling guilty of what she's doing.

"Alright let's go" orders Brian making his way out the door with the others following him with the little hunter girl wiggling and squirming trying to bite Hanna and Tom.

As they make their way out of the building kill some common infected Tom struggling to keep the hunter child's head from biting Hanna and himself.

"Look Brian I can't keep doing this, can't we tie some thing around its mouth and you know that you need me to help you fight the infected" argues Tom not wonting to do this.

"We can't tie something around it's mouth look at its sharp little teeth it will eventually bite throw it" says Sally looking out for more infected.

Tom signs angrily but something caches him at the corner of his eyes, he turns around looking across the street to a shop that says "Pet Shop" with a grin on his face he heads towards it dragging Hanna with him.

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