These Are Troubling Times In The Kingdom.

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Kill me please...just kill me now. I need to escape from this retched place called school, or in other words, Hell. Why in the world do they expect ME, of all people, to fit in?

Well, you see, we are having this pep rally in "Hell," right? And our assistant principle decides to make everyone switch seats.."we're all too biased," she says. As I stated before, kill me.

Anyway, as I sit here in between the head cheerleader and the head of the chess team, I try to listen to what satan (The Principle)*duh* has to say. "Today's pep rally is about giving back to our community,blah blah blah blah. As you can see, I often listen excruciatingly well.

On that note, i get my phone out of my pocket and check my Twitter. 4 new followers 112 retweets and 56 favourites...not by anyone particularly important.

I tweet some random shit about Luke being a burrito and Micheal being the spicy sauce on top, (don't even ask), then set my phone down as the cheerleaders started doing their terrible routine. Ever since they got a new captain they have screwed a plethora of their cheers and dances up, and honestly, I found it quite humorous.

I stifled a laugh as one of the cheer bimbos tight pants ripped as she was doing a split, (why anyone would do a split in tight faux leather pants was beyond me). And as always, the ignorant boys at my school, instead of feeling sorry for her or ,God forbid helping her, they sat back and studied her ass. Some whooping, others hollering, and a few, "quote on quote", geeks just looked like A VIRGIN TOUCHED FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME (I'm terribly sorry, I tend to break out in song quite often)

Many songs later,........

I was at my locker joking around with my friend Ariv about our history homework, and how we were both going to actually do it. HA! I have never even touched my homework, my folders and binders were practically full of blank worksheets and half copied down notes, why start now? "I've gotta go Avrim," I said and quickly, then, told him to text me when he got home so we could hang out later on.

I nearly jumped onto the bus as it started to roll away. I had missed the God damn bus!! Great, just great. Now I have to lug my lazy arse all the way home, which technically wasn't as far as you think, but still, when you think about it--my phone interrupted my thoughts with a quiet "buzz." I looked down, noticing it was a Twitter notification for Micheal Clifford. I nearly fell out of the chair I wasn't sitting in.


Please don't kill me....I'm trying ok? UHM,....OH! I imagine Chris as Ellen Page, but truthfully imagine her however you want to! I just want people to read and enjoy this story. ***THANKS FOR READING THE TOTALLY UNIMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE***😍

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