Chapter 3: Football and Problems

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"SHAWN GET UP!" I heard a voice scream in my ear, I jolted up breathing heavy.

I looked to see Aaliyah laughing her head off beside my bed, I pushed her and she tumbled onto my beanbag chair, still laughing.

That little...

"Oh now you're gonna get it!" I yelled jumping out of bed, she looked shocked for a moment before sprinting down the stairs, I ran to the frame of my door than stopped and smirk.

"Well now that thats taken care of" I mumbled to myself walking over to my dresser and pulling out a flannel and a pair of blue jeans.

(Ok if you want a better image of the outfit its the one he wore for the pushup competion at magcon)

I threw everything on.

"Shawn you're late!" My mothers voice screamed, I played with my hair for a few seconds be stomping down the stairs.

"Go, go, go" My mom said to me and Aaliyah as we chugged down our glasses of orange juice.

She pushed us out the door, Aaliyah headed to her bus stop and I sprinted to school.

I ran up the concrete steps and pushed the door to the school open, running to my locker.

I fiddled with the lock before it finally opened.

The first bell rang as I sped walked down the hall. A rough grip had suddenly grabbed the sleeve of my flannel.

I was pulled into an old classroom.

"Hey sexy" A girls voice said, I seen Bethany staring at me, she had a pretty dress on.

My eyes widened.

"Uh hey Bethany, aren't we gonna be late" I asked looking out the door.

"I just want a second with you" She mumbled, the bell rang.

She then connected our lips together. I jumped surprised a little.

Wait, are we a thing?

I smiled at the thought of being a thing with Bethany, a teenage boy can dream.

But then it hit me, Im making out with Bethany! I could feel her pull herself closer to me.

She pulled away for a second and was about to join our lips again when I stopped her.

"Bethany" I mumbled.

"Yeah?" She whispered looking into my eyes, an innocent look on her face.

"Are we a...thing?" I questioned, my eyebrows slightly raised.

"We could be" She said kissing my cheek, I shivered.

"But just a secret, okay?" She added, looking at me sternly.

"Okay" I answered, she then pecked my lips one more time before picking up her bag.

"Well come on, were gonna be late" She said with a smirk, I followed her out the door.


Once the final bell had ended I walked to the gym locker room.

"Big football game tonight" A guy on my team said to another guy.

I looked closer to see that the guy was not just some random guy.

It was Bethany's boyfriend. Aka the toughest jock in the school.
I gulped hiding my face in my locker.

If he found out about me and Bethany, I would be digging my own grave.
Maybe I should get a head start.

But then again Bethany's pretty sneaky, she can get away with anything.

I quickly changed into my uniform and ran out of the locker room.

I ran to my team on the side of the field.
"Where's Jack?" The coach yelled, everyone looked at eachother.

"There he is" Mike said, and there he was. I felt scared.
"Sorry coach, I was talking to Matt" He explained, Matt walked out seconds later.

"Well next time get here faster Gilinsky!" He shouted, Jack nodded and placed his helmet on his head.

"You too Espinosa!" Matt quickly nodded as well.
"Now go do some laps before the game, I need to teach you some skills" He told us, we started to sprint around the field.

Once we finished 5 laps, coach called us in.

"Okay we're gonna practice out tackle" He said, we all line up with a partner to tackle.

"Jack, you stand here with Shawn" He directed Jack, he stood in front of me.
"Hey lanky legs" He chuckled.

Why did I have to be so frigging tall?

"Okay 1,2,3!" Coach shouted and we charged for eachother.

Jack ran towards me, I postioned myself and he bumped me to the ground.


"Okay now I want one person to run up the field with a ball, the other chase after them and tackle" Coach explained.

Is he setting me up for death?

A ball was passed to me, when I caught it I notice Bethany sitting on the bleachers, I raised my hand to wave to her when I was charged to the hard ground.

"Oof" I groaned as Jack tumbled me down, over and over.

Jack laughed, this was fun for him.

"Game starts in ten minutes!" He shouted and we ran off the field to prepare ourselves.

"Jack!" Bethany's voice shouted, I turned to see her hugging him.

She looked at me and winked, my cheeks heated up.

"Why didn't I see you at school yesterday?" Jacks voice asked as I quietly sipped my waterbottle.
"Oh I ditched" She said staring at her shoes.
"With who?" He asked her sternly. You could tell she was getting frustrated.
"With no one god damnitt"!" She shoutef and stomped back to the bleachers,


Jack rolled his eyes and quickly grabbed his waterbottle beside me on the bench.

The bleachers quickly filled.

Once the game had started, it was terrible right from the start.
In other words, we lost.

Jack almost got dragged off by tackling to rough.

"Better luck next time" Coach told us as we walked back to the locker room.

I threw my helmet in my locker and pulled off my shirt, ugh I hate being sweaty.

"Hey Jack you forgot your-oh" A girls voice said, I quickly turned anf seen Bethany standing in the doorway carrying a helmet.
She looked everywhere else but me.

"Hey Shawn" She awkwardly said darting her eyes to me once in a while.

"Hi" I mumbled, shit wheres my shirt.
I turned around and searched for a shirt.
"No Shawn its fine" She mumbled, I turned back around.

"Hey babe" A husky voice said, I rolled my eyes and turned around.
"Hey Jack, you forgot this" She quietly said handing him the helmet, he took it out of her hand, he shot me a look.

"Stop looking at my girlfriend" He threatened once Bethany left.
"What are you talking about?" I questioned putting my head in my locker.

Please leave.

I felt a hard pull on my arm, causing me to whipped around.
"Don't say that, I see the little waves and eye contact.
"Its called human communication" I told him.

He roughly pushed me up against a locker.
"Its soon gonna be called my fist in your face" He growled, I gulped.
"Just stay away!" He walked away.

Well damn.


Jack G needs to calm it!
Hope you enjoyeddd


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