Chapter 6: Unexpected Jack

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I gulped as we drove home from church.
"Uh mom.." I trailed off as the car bumped around in our driveway.

"Yes" She said focusing on a small slip.
"Can I go to uh M-Matts house?"I asked with a small stutter, Aaliyahs smirk was killing me.

"I thought you two weren't friends?" She questioned looking back at us.
"Um we made up" I quickly said. "We're friends"
"Oh ok, be back by supper" She said looked back at the windshield.

I breathed.

I grabbed my phone off the table once we got home.
"I'll be back around 5!" I shouted through the house before speed walking out the door and hopping in the car.

My leg slightly bounced up and down.

What do I do?

Why does she want me over?

I soon made it to her mansion of a house. I slowly climbed out of the car and knocked on the big red door.

I quickly fluffed up my hair and fixed my flannel.

Bethany opened the door in sweats and a bun.

My god.

"Hey" She giggled looking me up and down.
"Hi" I answered with a small grin, she let me in.
I lookrd around at the same huge beautiful home. Bethany pulled the collar of my shirt which made out faces come inches away from each other.

She stared into my eyes, a serious look on her face as she quickly darted ge eyes around my face.
She brought me over to the couch and plopped me down. She sat down beside me.
"Shawn" She breathed into my neck, which sent instant shivers up and down my spine.

I turned to look at her, before long her lips made contact with mine.

I knew Bethany always liked to take things quick, but as for me I just wanted to take it slow.

She started to fall back but I held her up by putting my arms around her neck.
She quietly groaned, I couldn't help but smile.

"Shawn" She mumbled. I thought she was going to start complaining, so I ignored her.
"Shawn" She said a little but louder, I pulled away slightly nervous.

She smirked before pulling out her buzzing phone.


"Just couldn't stop yourself" She giggled before answering.

"Oh, hey Jack" Crap.
"Me? Im just relaxing"
"You wanna come over?" She looked over at me with wide eyes. "Sure, why not..." She nervously spoke.

"Ok, bye babe" She sai before quickly hanging up, we stared at each other for a second before she pulled me ip from the couch.

"You, you gotta hide!" She exclaimed panicking.
"Calm down, when will he be over?" I asked, I could just leave.

"Shawn, he lives three houses away from me!" She shouted.
"Oh shit" I looked straight ahead.

"Uh my room" She said pushing me up her long staircase and into her room.

I've only been here once and so many memories.

She slammed the door behind me, I could hear her small thumps going down the stairs.
I awkwardly stood in the middle of her bedroom.

Suddenly the sound of a car engine could be heard, I slightly panicked.
"Hey babe" A deep voice spoke.


He made me fury with anger.

After that I couldn't hear much.

I plopped myself down on her bed. The door handle rattle, my head jolted up.
My body instantly sprung up, I scrambled to her closet and basically just fell inside and quickly closed the door.

I prayed they couldn"t hear my heavy breathing and slight moving from the uncomfortable postion I was in.
I sat there for what felt like 4 hours, but probably only about 5 minutes.

I peaked out the door, they both sat on her bed, he was trying to get all over her.
I boiled an almost charged out the closet, but I had to be calm.

"Jack" She stopped him. Her eyes shot towards me, I fell back into the closet.
"Why don't we uh watch a movie?" She asked him quickly, he shrugged.

They walked over to her tv, there backs were against me.
She sent me a look and gestured to the door. I slowly nodded.

My body lifted itself up quietly, I pushed open the door and stared at the two backs watching some romantic movie, she looked back.
Sending me a thumbs up, she cuddled into Jacks chest, this would keep him distracted.

I stumbled up to my feet and quietly shuffled to the door.

"Babe, you should go get some food" He order her.


She gave him a look before standing up, she looked at me.

I pointed to the closed door, it would make a lot of noise if I opened it.

She sent me a small smile before pulling open the door, I quickly sprinted out until I was in the hallway.

I was shoved into a wall, Bethanys small hands intertwined with mine, her bright eyes staring back at me.
She giggled and bit her lip.

Oh my god.

"Good job" She said with a little chuckle, I smiled.
My eyes glanced down at her lips quickly, she rolled her eyes playfully before meeting my bottom lip with her lips.
It started to heat up and my entire body felt like it was slowly melting.

She pulled herself closer to me.

My mind raced but soon came back to reality.

Her boyfriend was on the other side of the door.

Since she was pushing me against the wall, it was harder to pull away.
"" I struggled, she finally pullrd away.

"Just couldn't stop yourself" I chuckled, she slapped my shoulder.
"Wow" She mumbled before stomping down the stairs, I followed.

I pulled on my jacket as I watched her make a snack for her loving boyfriend.

Note the sarcasm.

I slipped on my boots as she carried the tray.
"I'll be right back" She told me before slowly making her way up the stairs. I ran up and took the tray from her, walking it up stairs.

Once I got to her door she followed behind me.
"Thanks babe" She whispered in my ear giving me shivers, she smirked when I slightly flinched.

I walked back downstairs as she brought Jack his food.

I grabbed the door handle, thumps could be heard behind me.

My arm was pulled back, it caused me to spin around. Bethany looked up at me.
"Bye" She said before pecking my lips, I smiled before squeezing her into a tight hug.

"Shawn" She gasped, I heard her small giggle.
"Sorry" I pulled away with a little chuckle.

"Bye Shawn, sorry you couldn't stay longer" She said glances up the stairs.
"Its fine, I'll see you tomorrow?" I questioned turning to face the door.
"Of course" She whispered, I couldn't help but smile as I opened the door, hopped in my car and drove away.



So yeah.....

More chapters soon!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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