Chapter 4: The Vans Store

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"Shawn go to bed" Mon said walking into the living room.
"Shh Im having a Harry Potter marathon" I said, my eyes glued to the tv.
"Don't shush me get to bed" She sternly spoke, I looked at her.

Sighing I stood up and walked to my room.


My body crashed onto the bed. My phone suddenly buzzed.

902-343-555: Hey!

My eyebrows furrowed as I quickly responded.

Shawn: Who are you?
902-343-555: Its me Bethany😛
Shawn: Oh heyyy
902-343-555: btw I got ur # from Matt

I rolled my eyes, Matt.

Shawn: So uh whats up?
902-343-555: Shawn Im so sorry for at football practice😞
Shawn: Its fine I guess
902-343-555: Are you sore, Jack can be really rough
Shawn: Im fine

I rubbed my arm, it hurt like hell. I rolled up the sleeve and a big purple buise covered half my arm, ow.

902-343-555: Sorry babe I have to go😣
Shawn: Okay, bye gorgeous😉
902-343-555: You're adorable, bye☺

I smiled before rolling over and tossing my phone on my nightstand.


Ahh Saturday.

I rolled around in my bedsheets lazily till I finally got the strength to push myself up.
I grabbed my phone and turned it on.


I groaned rubbing my eyes before springing out of bed.

I stomped downstairs to Aaliyah watching Spongebob.
"Shawn, put on a shirt!" She through a pillow at me, I rolled my eyes ignoring her and walked into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning sleepy-head" Mon chuckled flipping bacon in a frying pan and slightly dancing to hip-hop music.
"Morning" I mumbled grabbing a carton of milk from the fridge, I was to lazy to grab a cup so I began to drink out of the carton.

Bad idea.

A hard slap to my stomach shocked me.
"Shawn, you know better!" Moms stern voice said as she shot me a dirty glare. I quickly grabbed a cup and filled it up.

"Get dressed, we're leaving to go shopping around 1" She told me as she set the bacon equally in a plate.
"Breakfast!" She shouted, Aaliyah quicky scooted into the kitchen, grabbed her plate and ran back out in 1.5 seconds.

"Well okay then" Mom mumbled under her breath, which made me chuckle.

I grabbed my plate as well and walked into the living room.

Aaliyah sat on the floor in front of the tv, I joined her.
"Whats going on?" I asked staring at the brightly colored sponge on tv.
"Spongebob got in the wrong bus, its creepy" She explained.
"This episode used to scare the shi-" I started.
"Lanuage!" Mom yelled, I sighed.

"It used to scare me" I mumbled, she nodded.
"Its scary as shit" She said, my eyes grew wide.

She then leaned in.

"If you don't tell mom, I'll give you back your sweater" She whispered.
"Okay- wait what?" I gave her a look. "What sweater?" I questioned.

"Oh nothing" She laughed grabbing a piece of bacon off my plate. I groaned annoyed.

"Eat up, we gotta go, Shawn get dressed" Mom quickly said grabbing her sweater. We quickly ate.

I trotted back upstairs and pulledon a grey hoodie and jeans, good enough.

Once we got to the mall Aaliyah immediatly ran to Areopostale.
"Shawn. heres a 50, have fun" She quickly said before running to catch up with Aaliyah.

I stared in glory at the 50 dollar bill.

I looked around to were I should go first. I chose the vans store.

I casually walked in and made my way over to the vans.
"Are you looking for a specific color?' A voice asked, I turned my head to see Bethany carrying a box, a smile on her face.

"Oh uh no" I said with no expression, she looked down disapointed.
"Im just kidding" I chuckled. "Yeah, Im looking for a black" She giggled.
"Well its your lucky day" She said passing me the box in her hands.
"Oh, I need a bigger size" I looked up at her with innocent eyes, she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Follow me then" She sighed and made her way to the counter.
"Nice outfit by the way" I said staring at her vans merch.
She laughed.
"Manager makes me wear it, by hey I get to keep it" My eyebrow shot up.
"Can I get a job here?" I asked with a small smirk. She turned a sign around.

In big bold letters it said: HIRING

"Gotta take the interview" She mumbled looking around for another pair of vans.

"I'll think about it" I said staring into her green eyes, she looked down quickly and smiled.
"You are so gorgeous" I whispered carassing her cheek.
"Bethany get to work!" A grumpy 20 year old yelled peaking out from the back.

She groaned annoyed and set a box on the counter.
"That'll be $30.99" She told me, I reached in my pocket and pulled out the 50.

I gave her it, she ran it through and set the change in my hand.
"Bye Shawn" She whispered pecking my lips quickly before walking to the back room. My face felt hot.

I slowly made my way out of the store.

My stomach grumbled so I decided to grab some food.

I walked up to a vending machine and bought a small bag of doritos.
Enough to hold me till dinner.

"Hey Shawn" My moms voice said, I turned around.
"Hey" I repiled looking down at the large amount of bags her and Aaliyah were carrying.
"What did you get?" Aaliyah asked staring at my bag.
"A pair of vans" I told her, she nodded.
"Wanna get some food?" Mom asked.

"Yes" We both repiled at the same time, mom chuckled.
"Im feeling chinese" I said looking at the chinese resturant across the mall.

Mom and Aaliyah nodded.

We made our way to eat, my head looked over to Bethany fixing up some folded shirts. I smiled.

Im so lucky.



So yeah...

Really, really like this story tbhhh


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