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That was the stupidest most boring baby shower ever. It was full of my sister's snobby friends who all thought they were her best friend because they got her the biggest presents. Well you little shits, I'm her sister. I was her maid of honor at her wedding. So that makes me legally and naturally her best friend. Legally and naturally? What did I just say. I confuse myself too much.

I unlocked my car and drove myself home, already getting excited for a long night all to myself.

As soon as I get home my phone buzzes. This time it's a text. Geez why am I so popular today, first my sister now this person. Oh wait, that's only two people..

Ab(itch)by: hey bitch I need you to do something for me


Ab(itch)by: oh be quiet im your only friend, I talk to you lots of time slut (happy?)

Me: true. alright what do you need, food? bc I'm not sharing so bYe.

Ab(itch)by: oooo food would be good rn but no. I need you to cover my shift at Cotton On tomorrow, please I'm sick and I'm dYing

Me: I already covered Luke's shift today and I was late to my sister's baby shower. and I'm not supposed to work tomorrow abbs

Ab(itch)by: plss vANNAH PLEASE

Me: uGh fine you owe me though


Me: mhm

Ab(itch)by: yOU DONT LOVE ME BACK?!

Me: nope

I turned my phone on silent because I knew she was gonna spam me. She always spams me whenever I say something she doesn't like. Sounds like me to be honest so you clearly see why we're mejor amigas.

Instead of sitting on the couch all night and watching TV, I decided to go to bed since I had to get up early for work now.


"Mmmm yeah babe" I woke up the next morning to licking. Someone was licking me all over and I can't say I didn't enjoy it.

Wait. How would anyone get in my house? I opened my eyes and of course it was my dog. Sometimes I forget I have a dog, is that bad? I love him though, promise.

"Hey Hadley, how's my little baby?" Hadley is my baby boy. Yes it's sort of more of a girl name but I thought it was cute. He's a golden retriever and I got him when he was just a little pup back in my freshman year of high school. I'm in my freshman year of college now and he's getting older and so much bigger but he's still the cutest thing ever and he's basically my best friend.

I look over at the time on my clock to see how long until I have to go to work.

Oh shit I'm gonna be late. I wouldn't have to worry about this problem if I just said no to Abbs. Ugh thank god Hadley licked me up, hahah get it. Like woke me up except it's licked? No? Okay never mind.

Seriously stop it Savannah and get ready before you get yourself and your friend fired.


She got on the sub in such a hurry. She didn't look as put together today, almost like she was in a rush to get somewhere. Her hair was in a messy little bun on the top of her head with little pieces of hair that fell around her face. Even though it was messy it looked kind of, good?

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