Part 4: Nicknames and Science Class

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Emily's POV (Subtext :p)

Emily watched Lisa. She was reminded way too much of her old best friend. She studied the girl, absentmindedly chewing her lip. Emily turned her head and noticed Lily staring at her. She instantly stopped biting her lip and watched as Lily's face turned red. Okay, that did not just happen... I wonder what she was thinking? Emily looked at Winnie for backup and was met by her smirking face.

Lily and Sarah were too busy studying the table to notice Winnie make a heart with her hands, one that encircled Emily and Lily. Emily made an indignant face and Winnie giggled.
The bell rang and lunch was over. They all stood, reaching for their things. Winnie raced away immediately, with an energetic "See you guys later! You too, Em!"

Emily, Sarah, and Lily began walking to their next classes, bunched in a group. Emily noticed Sarah watching her. "You like being called Em?"

Emily shrugged, slightly flustered that Sarah was talking again.
"I don't mind it..."

Sarah nodded. "Cool, we'll call you Em then." And with that she turned and went down a different hallway towards her class.
Emily smiled a bit, glad that Sarah was being civil towards her.

It was just Emily and Lily now. "What class do you have next, Em?" Lily nudged Emily with her elbow, putting extra emphasis on the word Em. Emily felt butterflies and her ribs tingled pleasantly where Lily had touched her.
"Uhhh, Math... Room 208?" Emily said this like a question, unsure of her schedule. Lily nodded. "Cool, that's right next to me. I have Science next door."

Emily smiled inwardly. It was nice to have someone to show her around. She followed Lily, chatting about where her next class was, until they reached Rooms 208 and 207. Lily gave a little wave, "See you later, Em." Emily grinned nervously, brushing her hair behind her ear. "See you."

Lily's POV (Short Attention Span)

All through Science, Lily couldn't concentrate. Her mind kept going back to Emily.

Ha, she's got blue eyes and I've got some green in mine. If we switched hair colors it'd be like Destiel.

Shut up. You have to get over your otp or it will consume you...

Lily thought that last part about consumption in a funny, deep voice, and smiled absently. Then she realized that she was in a class and smiling for no reason, and immediately glanced around to see if anyone had noticed her weirdness. Nobody had, and she was lucky she hadn't giggled. She did that a lot.
She paid attention to the teacher for about two minutes before she drifted and began to doodle on her page and think about Emily again.

Wait... I'm comparing Em and me to my otp... Ah crap, am I starting to get a crush on her? Is it just because she seems... gay.... or is it because I actually like her?

It's too soon to tell.

Oh shit, I've missed like all the notes. Whatever. I'll just copy what's on the board now.

And read the textbook when I get home.

Nah, I'm too lazy.

Lily began copying down the notes on the board, not really paying much attention at all to what the teacher was saying. She was still in her own little world.

Maybe I'll just flirt with her and see where that goes. A lot of close girl-friends seem pretty gay. I don't want a best friend relationship turned sexual though, I want passion. That sounds sad.

Lily's phone buzzed and she instinctively pulled it out, only for the teacher to snatch it from her hands.


Damn. In my head I'm mean. And I have seriously got to pay attention, it's a miracle that I'm passing at all.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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