Part 1: Rough Morning

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Lily's POV (Teenagers Need Sleep!)

Lily scanned through the math homework on the way to school. She was on the bus, and the bumps in the road made it harder for her to solve the math problems she should have done the night before.
She yawned, it was a cloudy morning, and the sun was blocked out. Her brain still thought it was night.
Lily scrunched her eyes in concentration for around ten seconds. She opened them again and saw her paper was gone. All she could see was her backpack beside her and an empty seat beside her.
She stood up, holding the seat in front of her to keep her balance. Lily looked around, and saw a boy a seat behind her crumpling her math homework up.
She turned around completely, kneeling on her seat, "James, give that back right now! You're such a jerk!" She hissed.
James snickered and threw the paper at her. Lily caught it and turned back in her seat. She murmured under her breath, "Immature jackass."
She uncrumpled the paper, trying to make it look presentable for her math teacher later. She grabbed a pencil out of her navy blue backpack and quickly scribbled some numbers on her wrinkled homework. She finished it just in time as the bus pulled up to the school.

Lily shoved her things into her backpack. She walked in line with everyone else off the bus.
The middle school kids went in one direction, to the other wing of the school. She, however, joined in the throng of high schoolers walking in the other direction.
Lily stared at the sidewalk as she walked, glaring at her old sneakers. She occasionally came across a stray leaf, and stomped on it.
The trees on the school campus were already orange and red, but they didn't start to shed their leaves until late October, which would be a few weeks.

Lily joined in the shoving crowd of people trying to get in the school. She eased her way through the thriving mass and made her way through the white halls to her dull, orange locker.
She grabbed a few binders and put her backpack in before she locked it again. She made her way to her first period class.

Lily made her way to the back of Science, avoiding people. She was in a sleepy, irritable mood. The best thing about Mrs. Gruber was that she let you sit where you wanted. Best. Teacher. Ever.

Lily dropped her binders on the desk with a loud thunk. She winced as everyone looked over to see what the noise was. She rolled her eyes and sat down. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. There were a few more minutes before class started.

Lily felt herself be prodded in the shoulder. She blinked a few times and had a miniature heart attack. "Omigod," she thought, "I slept through class. I am so dead!" She heard a voice next to her and saw the person who had woken her up.
"You fell asleep. Don't worry, class hasn't started yet." Lily looked at the new girl who had saved her ass from a lunch detention.

She had light blonde hair neatly held up in a bun, a sprinkling of freckles here and there spread over her cheeks, and her eyes were a stormy grey-blue. She was wearing a cute light blue sweater that made her eyes stand out, and some boot-cut jeans over a pair of black flats. And she was smiling openly at her. Lily's heart fluttered and she felt wide awake. And ready to get to know this girl standing in front of her.

Emily's POV (New School)

As usual, Emily's stepmom Laura wanted to spend time with her new daughter. This time, that translated into a ride to school. It was Laura's fault, however, that Emily had to transfer schools a month in. Emily's dad had remarried in August, and Laura couldn't bear to move away from the town she had grown up in, so Emily and her dad had had to move away from their friends and family. But at least Laura was happy.

The first day of school started off badly. Emily got up and made her way to the bathroom, tripping over boxes she hadn't sorted out yet.

She threw on a ratty blue sweater she had had for two years. It wasn't too big on her anymore, because when she got it they only had it in one size.
She also put on her most comfortable jeans. They were boot cut, very spacious, and had white paint on the left thigh from when she had accidentally leaned on a just-painted bedroom wall. Most of the paint was gone, but there were still flecks left, the white standing out against the dark jeans.
Emily also put on her old black flats. She went back into the bathroom and brushed her hair and put it in a bun.
She looked like the unpacked, beat-up boxes in her room. She sighed at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Then she went into the kitchen to have peanut butter toast.

Emily also had to sit through an almost silent ride to school with Laura, which was excruciating. When Laura first met her, she was biased against the fact she was a lesbian. But when she got engaged to Emily's dad, she was forced to 'accept it'. But it was too late and the offensive, homophobic, damage was done. And whatever Laura did, Emily was determined to hate her.

Emily climbed out of Laura's car, saying a short, quiet goodbye. Laura sped away. Emily saw the mass of teens crowding into the school. "Urgh... Why did I have to move here?" She mumbled, and followed the mob inside.

Emily had memorized the school map. This was a really small town, with not a lot of kids. There were two wings to the school. A large high school wing, where most of her classes were, and the middle school wing. She wouldn't have to go there very often.

When she finally got to her Science class, there were hardly any seats left. There were a couple in the back. Emily walked back there and noticed a girl sleeping in the farthest desk. She held back a cruel giggle.
This girl would be in serious trouble, and honestly, She was in a bad enough mood to enjoy other's suffering. She sat her messenger bag down in the seat next to the sleeping figure. Emily watched the sleeping girl again.

Her binders for the day sat on the desk before her. She had chocolate brown hair, a nice tan as though she had spent the summer someplace warm, and a small mole next to her right ear.

Emily felt a wave of sadness and guilt wash over her. She felt sorry for the girl, because she would be in a load of trouble, and she had laughed at her. She prodded her arm a few times, until she heard the girl murmur in her sleep. "I am not a penguin, I'm a walrus..."
Emily giggled and poked her arm again, wondering what she was dreaming.
The girl blinked a few times, slowly waking up. Emily noticed her eyes were hazel, light brown with flecks of green. They were gorgeous.
She watched the girl in front of her. She looked horrified. Emily assumed the sleeper thought she had slept through the bell. "You fell asleep. Don't worry, class hasn't started yet." She smiled.
The girl looked dazed and just stared at her. Emily felt a sudden panic. She had to say something. The girl was looking like she was seeing an alien or something. Before she knew what she was saying, she blurted out, "You're cute when you sleep." Emily realized what she was saying a second too late and blushed.
Oh my god, did I just say that?!?! her mind screamed at her. She wanted to melt into the floor.
The girl in front of her also blushed, but them cleared her throat and replied as though she hadn't heard. "I'm Lily. What's your name? Are you new? Where are you from?"

Emily smiled. It was adorable how many questions Lily had. But then she mentally shook her head. No! She couldn't develop another crush on a straight girl. That was assuming that Lily was straight.

"Just answer her, dumbass!" Her mind demanded. "Yeah, I'm new, I just moved here from New Jersey. I'm Emily." She grinned again, and this time Lily returned it, just as the bell rang.

(Author's note: I love feedback so tell me what you think!!!I also love suggestions so feel free to ask me to write stuff! I'm working on the next two chapters of this now and they should be up in the next week b/c I know I've been horrible with that. Also please check out my new story "Julia and Maggie". Love you guys! -H)

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