My Friend's VS Shadow Knights

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Aphmau's POV

All of my friends (including Y/N and Jacob) decided to eat outside for a change, everyone grabbed their lunch trays or lunch bags and walked out to the bleachers outside.

But what we didn't expect to be there was Gene and his Shadow Knights, Y/N glared at Gene as he walked towards me, Y/N was next to me so I was able to help her control herself.

"Hey kitty, do you want to sit with us" Gene said with a sharkly grin.

"No she's fine where she is, I won't let you corrupt her nor Zane" Y/N said with a growl.

"Whoah easy there pup, I just wanted to ask her a question. But if you ever decide to join us Shadow Knights just give me a call" he said.

Y/N almost lost it till I put my hand on her shoulder to reassure her to calm down a bit, Gene let out a chuckle.

"How about this. If I win, you and Aphmau have to be part of the Shadow Knights. If you guys win, I'll leave you all alone" he said, if Y/N would never put down a challenge.

When she gets frustrated someone might even look at her untamed eyes, and we were told she couldn't compete in very competitive games or sports or she would lose her temper.

But with the help of Aaron she could control her eyes but not as often when she gets ticked off, "I except your challenge Gene" Y/N said.

"Great now the Challenge will be an obstacle course, but it won't be easy. Only two of your people can be in the games with you, the others must sit on the bleachers" he told Y/N then left to his Shadow Knights.

Gene always pulls a trick and cheats, he might have things his way or his plans get foiled. "Y/N you don't have to do this, Gene's trying to get in your head" I pleaded her. "It's the only way he will stop trying to get us to join him and his Shadow Knights Aph" she said setting her tray on her lap.

"I'll be by your side during the games" I said, she gave me a small smile.

"So will I" Aaron said putting a reasuring hand on her shoulder, it was us against Gene's Shadow Knights.

(After school)

After everyone had got their gym clothes and freshen up a bit we got a quick water break then head out to the field.

Once we had made it out there we saw tons of werewolves, Meif'wa, and regular humans there too. Then all of our friends who are holding signs that say "GO ALPHA' which Daniel and Rylan were holding, another said 'GO PATATO' that Katlyn and Kawiia-chan held, and 'LET'S GO BRO ARRON' that Blaze and Damien (Nobody calls him Jacob since he doesn't know he's Y/N'S twin brother).

Your POV

I was ready to take down Gene and his Shadow Dorks, I'm confident that we will win but I can't keep my guard down nor even when I least expect it.

"Well well well, look who came" he said with a sharkly grin.

That grin almost made me want to punch him so hard that he would fly to the sky just like Team Rocket. (This is how Y/N sees Gene, Shasha, and Zenix Blast off)

"Of course I'd never back down a challenge, not even if it's for my friends sake" I said with a growl. " Okay teams the rules are simple," my werewolf teacher yell out to us.

"The first team to get past the obstacles the werewolves had set wins, if one of the team members skip an obstacle that member is disqualified out of the games, and if you fail and obstacle you will be disqualified" he continued to yell out, I readied at the track start.

There were tons of hurdles, fences, monkey bars, planks to walk across, and many more.

"Ready, on your marks.... get set... GO!!!!" he yelled as he blew the air horn and everyone on start dashed off.

I was second behind Aaron who was in the lead while Gene was third, Sasha fourth, Aphmau fifth, and Zenix last. We continued running till we headed for the first obstacle, the tall wooden wall with the rope, I had a running start so I just jumped towards the middle of the rope and climbed. Zenix tried to do what I did but ended up missing the rope itself.

"OOOOOOHHHHH Zenix is disqualified from the game" Blaze yelled out on the booth that was centered in the middle of the track. We all of the students screaming and chearing our names, especially mine.

We jumped through some hurdles till I heard, "There goes Aph" Blaze said. Sasha grabbed Aph by the back of her shirt making her trip on the obstacle, I knew since she was next to her. I had the urge but she cheered me to go on, "GO Y/N, you got to win this" she yelled out.

I smiled and kept jumping the hurdles, till the end, the next Obstacle was the planks. It sounds easy to get through but you had to balance two buckets of water over a doggie pool that was filled with cold water and Ice, Both Aaron and I made it through thankfully and Sasha fell in the doggie pool.

"There goes Sasha in that freezing water, that's gonna be a bath I'd never take" Blaze said with a chuckle, making some students laugh.

She deserved it after what she did to Aph, there were more hurdles and not even Gene or the two of us didn't fall off any off the obstacles.

The whole time Gene would try to push us off but he wasn't as strong as us, "Oh and these dudes are close to the end, which team will win" Blaze said excitedly, Dottie and Rylan were cheering, everyone else (including Zane) was yelling either 'GO AARON', 'GO Y/N', and even 'GO S/N (Ship Name)'. 

Gene and I were in the lead while Aaron was behind us just by a foot, once I was close to the finish line the camera flashed at us when we both ran through the finish line.

We didn't know who won so we jogged towards the camera man who showed us the picture and...TO BE CONTINUED (DUN DUN DUUUUUN)

Shout out to....

Hope y'all enjoyed it, on till next time lil pups 💜🐺🐾❤

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