The call

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Jacob's POV

After the noise that harsh noise that affected all the werewolves, everyone was sent back to their homes and they are still searching for the source of where it came from. Most of the werewolves ears hurt and had go to doctors to check what they could do soothe the pain.

I sat on my bed while my adoptive parents were in the livingroom talking, Daisy was my adoptive mother who found me at her door from what I heard. And Scott was my adoptive father, he was a soldier once and taught me about self-defense when I turned eight. Everytime I think of Ein he reminds me of someone I know but I could never put my finger on.

While thinking back to the fight me and Ein had the phone rang from outside of my door, I could tell Daisy had answered since her her footsteps are slight light and Scott's are heavy because of his work at. I could barely hear her soft voice since the door made her voice so muffled, and because I didn't have my ears or tail out during the time. Most of the time I'll have them out if Daisy or Scott insisted me to, but the other times they'll just tell me to put them up since Daisy's father dislikes werewolves.

'From what I heard, Daisy's father, Walter, had a little brother named Parker, they both were like bestfriends in many different ways, they were inseparable. Then one day when they were playing outside while the sun was far from sun down. Both of them were playing football till Walter through the ball on the other side of the fence. The other side of the fence was the Carder family, they were werewolves, and both of the boys were friends with their youngest son, Toby. But the his older brothers were part of a gang called the Shadow Knights, they would constantly bully Toby, and tease Walter and Parker'

'Both of the boys went to retrieve the ball till they met with both of the older brothers, Adrien and Zack. Parker asked them to hand over the ball but they refused, Adrien grabbed ahold of Parker while Walter was held down by Zack'

'They never really told me why they did it nor what happened next after that, but what they did tell me was that Adrien was sentenced life in prison for a heinous crime and as for Zack. Well.. he was sent to juvie, Parker and Walter were rushed to the hospital as fast as possible. Once they had gotten there it was already to late, Walter had lived luckily while his brother...'

"Jacob someone wants to talk to you" Daisy interrupted my thoughts, I was caught off guard when she called from my real name.

Most of the time she would call me Damien, she told me never reveal my name to anyone.

"Okay I'm going" I replied.

I got up from my bed, dusting myself off since I was shedding. I left my room and went towards Daisy who held the phone out towards me.

"Who is it" I asked, curious about the caller who asked for me.

She just smiled and mouthed 'see for yourself' then left the room, she always acts that way when it's a surprise. I took a look at the number to see ### ### ####, I don't recognize this number on any of Daisy's contacts list.

"H-hello" I asked nervously about the anonymous caller.

"Hey Jacob" said a familiar cheerful voice, that caught me off guard again. 'How did she know,' panicked in my thoughts.

"W-who's Jacob, I've never heard of him at all but he does sound like a pretty cool guy though" I rambled. I tried to convince her that that was not not my name. "Welllll I was woundering if you could come over to Aaron's Place" she asked me.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in a bit" I said a bit more calmer, we said bye to each other and I made my way to Aaron's house.

(1 hour later) 

It took awhile to look for Aaron's house since his was pretty far from mine, and also because I got lost. When I got to the front door I was greeted by a man in a black suit with a blue tie.

"You must be Jacob" he said.

"N-no you must've gotten me confused with another person" I told him with a nervous chuckle. I could tell by the looks of him that he wasn't buying it.

"Well that's not what it says in your birth certificate" the man with the suit stated while holding up a file.

He handed it to me and I looked through it to see my name but with a different last name, Jacob L/N. But behind my birth certificate was yet another one that didn't belong to me, it was Y/N's. What was crazy was that we had the same birth year, same hospital we were in, even parents. I froze in shock and confusion, Y/N.... is my sister, not just that but MY TWIN SISTER!?!?!?!

"Welcome back Mr.L/N," He said with a small smile, and he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N is waiting for you in the livingroom"

As I walk in the house I felt the suspense, my earge to see her but yet to scared to see her too. After all we both weren't there for each other long, we both were separated from each other's for years.

I walked into the livingroom to be greeted by fast figure that made me clasp on the ground, I look down to see no other than Y/N filled with tears of joy. "I'm so glad I finally found you" she cried happily.

Then that's when I remember what had happened to her... well I mean our parents, mom had passed away and dad is still missing. And Y/N is suffering through all this pain she has to carry with her, and it hurts me to see her at that state.

"Wait you knew I was your brother" I asked confused. We broke from the hug and got back on our feet, and she faced me.

"Well that's a story I'll tell you about once I tell you the news" she said cheerfully.


Shout out to....







Sorry for the delay again, and leave a comment down below if you all enjoyed it and I see y'all next time lil pups 💜🐺🐾❤

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