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Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day where Charlie would stand infront of a jury, and a judge to plead his innocence for the charges of domestic battery. And to say he was horrified was saying the least. He sat at his desk, reading over the paper his lawyer had given him, trying to memorize as much of the information as he could. His mind was racing and his heart was beating out of his chest, trying to rap his head around everything. From the sounds of it they had a very good case strung together, and Bella had even said she had some footage that would be very alarming to the judge and jury. She didn't want Charlie to see it though, so the jury could see his genuine reaction. He was squeezing the stress ball in his hand so hard he was sure it was going to break.

He needed something to ease the stress away, and since he hadn't been playing lacrosse recently or hanging out with friends, or doing anything relaxing at all whatsoever, he was sure he was going to break down... and the worst part? He couldn't call Sage. After they had kissed, he made the decision he didn't want to see him again... he couldn't... he couldn't get attached to him... and he wasn't gay...

Charlie's stress was not only evident to himself, but also Marie. She noticed how her son was constantly fidgeting and looking for an excuse to not sit still. She wasn't sure what to do... it seemed as though he always calmed down around Sage, so after the 3rd day of Charlie pacing around the house for the whole afternoon, she sent the mayor a text, and Sage was on his way.

"Sage." Marie smiled, opening the door.

"Hello Marie. These are for you from my mother." Sage smiled, handing her the freshly cut flowers.

"There wonderful! I'll have to send her a thank you text." Marie smiled, taking the bouquet. "Charlie's upstairs. He's been very stressed out lately and you seem to always get him to settle down."

"Ok. Thank you for inviting me over." Sage smiled, slipping off his shoes and heading for the stairs.

"Your welcome. We're having casserole tonight if you'd like to stay. Invite your folks too." Marie smiled, heading into the kitchen without a response.

Sages heart was beating out of his chest as he walked up the stairs and towards the door he remembered was Charlie's. He hadn't seen the boy in a long time... and he was more than ready to pay him a visit... he wasn't sure where they stood after they kissed, but he knew he wanted Charlie, and Charlie had obviously felt the same. He knocked on the door before slowly beginning to open it, immediately seeing Charlie sitting at his desk, his hands in his hair staring at a piece of paper. Charlie looked up, meeting Sage's eyes. "Hey baby..." Sage said softly, shutting the door behind him as Charlie stared at him. Charlie bit his lip, and from the look in his eyes you could tell he was fighting himself. All it took was for Sage to give him that stupid, charming smile and he was throwing himself into Sages arms.

"I'm sorry. I should've called I'm so sorry..." Charlie mumbled as Sage began to sit down, the boy still in his arms.

"Hey it's alright... I missed you."

"I... missed you too." Charlie mumbled, burying his face in the boy's neck, smelling the familiar smell he didn't realize he missed so much. "I'm sorry for... I don't know what to do."

"I'll wait... I know how you feel... I've been there before too." Sage smiled, taking the boys face in his hands. "I'm here for you. Whatever you need."

Charlie nodded, meeting the boys eyes. "Promise?"

"I promise." Sage said, sticking out his pinky.

Charlie laughed a little bit, wrapping his pinky around Sages. The sat on the floor for a long time, Charlie just trying to wrap his head around everything. "As much as I love sitting here with you, do you think there's a slight possibility that we can move somewhere a little more comfortable?" Sage asked.

"Oh... yeah." Charlie nodded, taking sages hand and pulling him over to his bed. Sage sat down first, and Charlie sat down in between his legs, turning on some random Adam Sandler movie off Netflix. Sage rested his hands on Charlie's thighs, focusing on the movie. Charlie was staring at Sage's hands though. He reached over and intertwined their fingers... they looked good... yeah... no. No that's not...

"Stop overthinking." Sage mumbled, making Charlie jump. "Don't go against something that feels right just because society tells you it's wrong..."

"It's... I can't help it." Charlie sighed. It's true, he really couldn't... this never happened when he was with Isaac... or not much before then... Charlie looked up Sage, a small frown on his face.

"I know... just focus on something else." Sage smiled and Charlie nodded, looking back at the TV and pulling a blanket over them. He just needed to decompress... even though he could be studying those notes, and he shouldn't be laying here with... no. No. Sage was right, it's relaxing time. Charlie sighed and picked up sages arms, wrapping them around himself and falling back deeper into the green eyed boy's hold. Sage smiled and looked down at Charlie, who was trying his best to focus on the movie, even though he could tell he had a million other things on his mind. Sage leaned over and kissed Charlie on the cheek, making the boy break out in a blush before he looked up, kissing Sage for the second time... it was quick, and Sage wanted to lean down and kiss him again, but he'd promised Charlie he'd wait... and if it meant he got to kiss the most beautiful boy he'd ever seen as long as he liked, whenever he liked, then he was more than ok with waiting.

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