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That trial was one of most heart wrenching and gut turning things Charlie had ever had to go through. He ached to hold his little boy in his arms again and kiss the soft hair on his head... He missed him with everything he had, and was nervous as hell. He sat in the chair, his leg bouncing up and down as he chewed on his thumb nail, a disgusting habit he needed to end but couldn't help but do it in the moment. His baby was sitting a mere few feet away from him, yet he couldn't go close to him.

He couldn't handle this. He wanted to bash his head into a wall... and a small part of him wished Sage was here... no. He didn't need Sage to be here. He didn't need any guy to be here for him... even if his arms were warm and welcoming and made him feel safe... No. No. He shouldn't be thinking about that.

He rubbed his hands together as his mom patted his back. They just had to wait for the jury.... These moments where pinnacle... They were life altering. Suddenly the door opened and the just stepped out, all taking their seats. Someone walked off to the judge and handed him a paper before sitting back down. Charlie covered his face in a silent prayer while Bella and Marie had their hands on his shoulders. Charlie didn't want to cry, but as soon as he saw the smug look on Carlys face he couldn't help it. This could all be over, and he could me heading to jail for something he didn't do as soon as the judge opened the envelop.

Everything moved so slow, and Charlie thought he was going to throw up. "We the jury," Charlie heard a man begin. He threw his head back, ringing his hands out. He couldn't look. He could barley breath. "Find Charles Hale, innocent of domestic battery chargers and believe Luca Hale should be returned to him."

Charlie let out a quiet sob, as his mom grabbed a hold of him, hugging him tight. He got his baby back... and he wasn't going to jail!

All he could do was silently sob as he heard Carly and her lawyer going haywire on the other side of the court room. His hell was over and he got to hold his baby again. The social worker immediately walked over to Charlie, giving him Luca with a smile. "Congratulations Mr. Hale."

Charlie smiled at her but ultimately was more focused on his baby that had begun to giggle with happiness as soon as he saw his dad and grandma again. Charlie stayed seated, sniffling softly and holding his son tight against his chest. Never again would he let this happen.


Charlie day on the floor of his bedroom while Luca giggled and walked around in his bouncer. Charlie couldn't stop watching his baby bounce around the room... just knowing he was back home and safe made Charlie want to jump for joy. His baby was home, and that's all that mattered.

After the hell he had gone through, he filed a restraining order against Carly to prevent anything like this from happening in the future, and had Bella make sure it was clear to the judges who had full custody of Luca... Maybe he was a bitch for not letting his sons mother in his life, but she was nothing but a crazed psycho... there's no telling what she could do next.

All a sudden there was a knock on the door and in walked the boy with the alluring green eyes. "Hey cutie." He smiled, shutting the door behind him before noticing the bouncing baby. "Babysitting?"

"Something like that." Charlie nodded as Sage walked over to him, not hesitating to kiss the boy on the cheek before he sat down. Charlie blushed a little, but none the less smiled... he was caving in on the promise he made to himself... but that promise was so hard to keep when a boy like Sage was right at your fingertips.

"You seem less stressed."

"Yeah... Having Luca around is helping." He nodded. Sage smiled at him, gripping the inside of Charlie's thigh. Oh how badly Sage wanted this boy to be his... but he would wait... he would wait as long as it takes.

"Is it bad I want to kiss you." Charlie said softly, looking at Sage... more like make out, but same thing right?

"No. Not at all." Sage smiled.

"I feel like I shouldn't want too."

"Sometimes your wants can take priority you know." Sage said, tilting Charlie's head towards him.

Charlie pulled his head away from Sage and looked at his bouncing baby. He couldn't go through another heartbreak like he did with... though who shall not be mentioned, but at this rate girls were doing the same things to him. Maybe he just shouldn't love anyone... he'll just love Luca and that's all.

Sage squeezed his thigh again, making Charlie turn his head to focus on him. Why was this so hard? He wasn't gay... he was nothing. Nothing. That's all. Just something taking up matter... but Sage made him feel like... something.

"I promised you, I'd wait. So i'll wait." Sage mumbled.

"Why.... Why me?"

"What do you mean why you?"

"You could have anyone else on the planet easily... I mean look at you, yet you pick me... The indecisive bitch."

"You're not an indecisive bitch Charlie, you're going through a personal struggle over something you can't control, there's no need to beat yourself up over it. Loving men is ok, loving women is ok... Loving me is ok. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it."

By the look in Sages eyes he could tell he meant every word he said... and that was reassuring. "I'm sorry for making you wait." Charlie mumbled.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything."

Charlie now really wanted to kiss Sage... but he then remembered that his son was across the room in a bouncer. "Hold on." Charlie mumbled, getting up and going over to pick Luca up. He left the room and knocked on his moms bedroom door, soon entering with Luca.

"Want some alone time?" Marie smiled, pausing her son.

"Yes... Please. I'll come back in and get him to bed later. But I just need a minute with Sage." Charlie nodded, handing his baby to his mother who giggled with glee upon seeing his grandma.

"Alright. Is sage staying the night?"

"I don't know. Maybe? I'll be back for the child." Charlie said before leaving and going back to his room. "I'm back now." Charlie said, sitting back down on the floor.

"I noticed." Sage teased and Charlie rolled his eyes, leaning his head on Sages shoulder. He wanted to be with Sage... so bad... but something in him couldn't let him give in to what he wanted... and maybe it was his haunting past with the British boy that drive him to feel this way... but he couldn't help it. He just needed to find away around it... but how?

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