Chapter 4

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There was no signs of any dragon in me and and the night was going well. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to leave the castle tomorrow because everyone was going to be here and I knew as the future Queen I was going to have to sit and listen.

I was going to sneak out tonight, when I knew Niall was actually asleep. I wanted to see if the only way to change into a dragon was to go in the water and if it only happens in the sun.

Niall was just not going to sleep I knew when he was fully asleep but it was not happening. I started to think he knew I was planning to leave but there was no way he could of figured it out.

I was waiting and waiting and before I knew I was asleep and woke up to the sun.

"I'm so stupid" I said aloud.

Niall walked back into the room and most of heard me "now why are you stupid?".

"Oh because I wanted to wake up before you so I could get you some food".

"That's nice of you but I'm always up first".

I smiled and he came over and kissed me.

I totally missed the opportunity because now I'm going to have to sit and listen on how to cure the dragon problem infesting other kingdoms when I am a dragon myself too.

Well I'm not entirely but I know a secret into how to turn into one.

I was hoping that my parents realize that I don't need to be there and I can skip the whole meeting all together.

"Carrie are you ready everyone is about to arrive" my dad shouted.

"Coming I'll meet you in there".

I didn't want to be apart of this I knew as future Queen I had to know everything about everything, but couldn't it wait until I was crowned queen.

The meeting had started and all the dragon hunters and royal council were waiting, I guess I was super late because they were definitely waiting for me to arrive.

I awkwardly took my seat and the meeting was now happening.

The meeting was mainly about how the dragons are starting to make their way to the village and out of the woods. According to Niall he said that they haven't moved into the village yet but the markings they have discovered in the woods they might be sneaking in. He went on to say that they may be sneaking into the village at night to steal food but the good thing was that they haven't created any damage.

Maybe going out in the night was not a great idea but if it is my only option if I can't escape during the day then it had to be done.

The meeting had ended and there was a lot of ideas that were brought up to ensure safety.

Everyone had left including Niall he had to go help his mother with something and my parents were doing what ever they do and I thought maybe I could sneak out.

I was scared to sneak out when my parents were still in the castle especially my mom because she would be looking for me to show me or tell me something about the wedding. I waited awhile because she usually comes and tries to find me at least once.

She finally came and I was right she had some more samples of things for the wedding and I had to choose and I certainly didn't care for it but had to act interested.

Once she left I made sure she was heading back to her little room she keeps all this planning nonsense.

I walked around the castle to make sure the guards saw me to ensure that I was indeed in the castle and once I saw an opening I was gone.

I ran as fast as I could and headed straight for the cave.

It took me a while to find the cave because I forgot my map I had drawn to find it but I ended up finding it so it was all that mattered.

I looked around the cave to make sure no one was insight and went into the cave and then the water. This time it was different I for one didn't pass out but i was a dragon once I got out of the water and I walked horribly might I add. I wanted to see how flying would go so I tried but I crashed ... a lot. I was now going to try and figure out if I had to go back in the lake to change back or if I had to do or say something to change back on my own.

"I wish to be normal now" I said aloud.


"Dragon no more".

Still nothing.

"I wish to not have wings".


I kept thinking what could possibly be the clue to turn back or there was actually none and I had to use the lake.

For now I had to just use the lake because I've been gone awhile and knew that I should head back.

I jumped back into the lake and I was back to normal. I looked at my reflection in the lake "I will uncover your secrets".

I ran back to the castle and I was in the clear once again.

I need to bring something to dry myself when I'm at the lake so I don't have to rush and change so I won't get spotted. I ran into my room to change then went into the one Niall and I would be sharing.

"Where have you've been?" Niall asked.

I was not expecting him to be here "oh you know just walking around the castle like I normally do because my parents are being evil and forbidding me to leave the castle".

"I have been looking for you and I felt like I walked this castle many times and you were no where in sight".

"It's a big castle maybe you just missed me".

"That could be".

"So what are you doing here?"

"Came to see you and I moved some things just to get started".

"That's good I moved some stuff too I think I'm good with mine so all this space left is all yours".

"Excellent because I have ideas".

"That sounds fun".

Sharing a room permanently with Niall should be an adventure because I have seen his room at his home and he has a lot of stuff that is just weird. The only good thing about it is that we have lots of rooms to put things in because I know I don't want to have some of his things in mine.

If I can stay up tonight then I am going to go back but after hearing how the dragons are mostly out a night really got me second guessing but I had to.  

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