The Sexy Six

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I slid down the pole to the pounding beat. Twirling my body around it as I went. Distantly I can hear the cheers and cat calls but I was to focused on the task at hand to care.

Once I reached the floor I grinded into the pole and swaying my hips. Moaning i threw my head, watching upside as all the horny man threw crumpled bills at me.

'Sick Bastards' I thought while doing another spin. 'When will I be free from here? Where is my place in the world? My happy ending?' I was so use to this routine that my body already knew where to go without me even thinking about it. As the song started to pick up beat. I gave another loud moan and started shaking my hips wildly.

"Shake it baby!" I heard a voice cry out. Grimacing in disgust i quickly turned my back to them, feeling the light shine on my back. "Aww baby turn back around and give me a smile." hearing the voice shout out again.

I bit my lip, i didn't want to. I just wanted the song to hurry up and end so i can leave. As much as i didnt want to, i had to. That was money talking and want money wanted. It got.

Quickily turning around, I put a fake seductive smile on my face, winking at him for extra measure. I watched in disgust as he blew me a kiss, I heared the beat slow down. Queing the end of my shift. I quickly grabbed all my 'pay' and practically ran of the stage.

I made my way to the dressing room. Entering I quickly made my way to my locker, telling one of the other 'dancers' it was thier turn as I passed them. Pulling my stuff out of the locker and calling my house. Not bothering to change out of my Kitty Costume.

"Hello" A tired voice grumbled into the phone.

Sitting up striaghter in my seat staring at myself in the mirror,I replied "Whats going on?"

"Nothing, i was just doing what normal people do at this time. Espiccally people that have school tomorrow and what you may ask was that? Sleeping!"

"Oh Please" I Said while rolling my eyes. "You never sleep. So stuff it Babe. Now seriously, whats going on?"

I heared my younger brother mumble "Bitch" before saying "Nothing Kitty, seriously. The house is still clean and still standing. So calm yourself."

I got up from my seat and started packing my stuff up. "Have you eaten anything today?"

"No" He said.

Shouting out my goodbyes to everyone and walking towards my beat up car. "And why the hell not?" I demanded while starting up my car.

"Because, it wasn't enough for me to get any." He replied sighing.

"Shit!" I replied. I knew i forgot to do something. "Im so sorry Nate, I forgot to go shopping before I left."

"Its o-"

"No! its not ok!" I said cutting him off. I shouldnt have forgot. How can i be so stupid?" Making a sharp left towards the convients store. "I'll just go get some more food right now"

"Calm Down, its really ok. People forget things." He told me soothingly. "Only grab what we need. Nothing fancy."

"I know, I know." I replied. "Im not a little kid."

A few moments passed without my brother saying anything. "..If you say so sweetie. Anyways, hurry back. I'll go get your bath started."

I pulled into the store parking lot and angrily replied "What's that suppossed to mean?! If I sa-"

"LoveYouLater!" He quickly replied hanging up.

"I Am Not A Child!" I shouted getting out of car. Earning strang looks from the few people in the parking lot.

The Sexy Six GroupWhere stories live. Discover now