Max's Love

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I stared at my phone. 10 missed calls, 35 text messages, and 4 voice mails, all of them from my brother. I looked at my phone in disgust and shoved it in my bag.

"Are you going home tonight?" Someone asked from behind me.

"Do you want me to commit a murder Max?" I turned to look at him.

Confusion swam in his dark chocolate eyes before amusement took its place. "Ah, so you're still mad?"

I glared at him. "This isnt funny. He cant just go around saying shit like that to people."

Max sat across from me and opened his arms. "Come here Baby Kitty."

I got and sat in his lap. "You know I cant control myself sometimes. I dont mean to hurt him." I told him softly, wrapping my arms around him and burying my head in his chest. "I dont mean to hurt anyone. I just do."

Ignoring the wetness on his chest. He rubbed my back soothingly and kissed my forhead. "I know sweetheart, I know."

"Max, I dont want to be like this." I said lifting my head up. "What if I go to far one day? What if I hurt someone to badly? What if I dont come back?"

He wiped the tears off my face. "Kitty, dont think like that. Everything will be okay, you want go to far. I promise. Nothings going to happen, Everything will be all right Oliver."

He hugged me tightly to his chest, whispering over and over again that 'everything will be all right' while I cried for all the things I had done, for the things I will do, for the people close to me that might get hurt, but most of all I cried because I knew deep down in my heart. Everything was not all right and will never be.



"Hello" A voice mumbled tiredly.

The bed dipped and squeaked as Max sat up. "No No, Im wake. I mean any normal person would be sleeping at this time but whatever."

He paused before saying. "Wait what? Its 3 o'clock? Oh, well nevermind. What do you want?"

Max looked over at me. I raised my eye brow at him as he said. "Yeah, I seen him. He worked last night at the club. Why whats up?"

He silently kissed my forhead and mouthed good morning. "He didn't come home last night? Did you check Louis's house? Because I last saw him with her."

He flashed me a devilish smirk. "No problem. Bye."

"Did you have to say Louis? Now i sound like I went there to get my freak on. You know my freak doesnt want to freak her. Thinking about it makes my stomach hurt. I wonder if people survive after bumping uglies with her. I mean come on, she catches more flies than a venus fly trap and she had the clap a few months back. Fucking gross. Plus its a Vajayjay! Who likes those? Its so ugly looking, like chopped up ham or something. If I wa-"

Max laughed and hugged me. "Im glad that you're back to normal." I smiled at him and climbed out of bed.

"It pains me to see you cry." He said so quietly that I almost missed it. He looked up at me with the most heartbroken expression. "You're my Baby Kitty, Im suppossed to protect you from the world and make you happy."

He laughed bitterly. "But I cant even protect you from yourself. What good am I if I cant even do that? Im so sorry Oliver."

"Its not your fault Max. Never once have I regretted knowning you or hated you. You make me happy, you're more a father to me then my real one. You cant protect me from everything. Its just not possibly, no matter how hard you try. Dont beat yourself up about it." I walked over to him and hugged him. "Just stay by me. That is enough. Just be here, whenever I need you."

He hugged me tightly. "I promise Oliver. I promise."

I kissed the top of his head and pulled away. I walked towards the bathroom but before I entered I turned around and said. "Now Make Me Breakfast!!"

After taking a shower and getting dressed I went downstairs and was hit with the smell of sweet deliciousness. I quickly made my way to kitchen with my tummy growling. I sat at the table and watched Max cook. Flipping his shoulder length black hair away from his face before flipping the pancake.

I whimpered at the sight of the golden flat cake. I clutched my stomach and whimpered again.

"Hurry Max, Im dying here!"

He looked back at me and laughed. "Yeah right. Im going as fast as I can."

"Well, your fast isnt fast enough!" I pouted crossing my arms.

He rolled his eyes. "Why dont you grab the milk and juice out the fridge, and set the table?"

I grumbled and got up from the table. "Fine."

I set the table and pulled out the milk and juice out. I put them on the counter and looked over Maxs shoulder. "Are-"

"No, Im not know go sit down. Im almost done." He said in annoyance.

I glared at him. "Fine then!"

"Okay" He said going back to cooking.

After pouring each of us a cup of juice and milk, I sat down at the table. I looked out the window, watching the sunshine as the brown, red and orange leaves fell from the trees. Man I loved Autum, best season ever. Not only is my birthday in it but it has such a calming and relaxing affect on people. Well, me anyways. I really hope my birthday is better than my last...

I blinked as I broke away from my terrible memories. Its not time to think about those. Thise are not important right now, more important things are happening right now. Like how my stomach is crying out in desperation. 'FEEED MEEEH! FEEED MEHHH BITCH! NOW DAMMIT! NOW!' I giggled at the thought of my tummy saying that. I remember my mom used to say that to my dad alot when I was little. Back before things changed and got out of hand. Before things went down on the Rollercoaster Of Life.Sometimes I wonder if Im like this because of my-

"Foods ready" Max said.

I looked away from the window shaking those thoughts from head.

Let go of the past and keep moving forward. They're gone, they cant ruin things anymore. Its over, they're over. Time to move on with my life, as much as to really want to move on. Its easier said than done.


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please, I really just want to know if I should stop writing this or continue it.

Im always open to suggestions to.

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