Thin Walls

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Being the oh so bestfriend that he is, Max waited till I took a tiny nap to sneak the hell off. I couldn't really blame him though, he's hasn't seen the outside world for almost two weeks. Its not my fault he can't keep up with the 'cool kids'. Hiding out at your friends house is the new 'in' thing.

Even so, what I awakened to was so much worse than your bestfriend ditching you.

Nathan, my brother, was sitting across from me.

Being who I am I screamed like a girl and jumped over the couch, racing for the door. I would like to say something. I don't like running. If someone's not chasing me than I give up in the first 3 seconds. Fucking sue me.

So when I didn't hear my brother giving chase I instantly stopped running and walked(well more like tip toed) back to the living. To tell you the truth I was not fucking prepared for what I saw in there.

My brother was crying.

And not one those I-lost-my-phone-and-its-on-slient-cries, but one of those Brad-just-broke-up-with me-and-we've-been-together-for-four-years-cries.

I wanted to say that I walked over to him and hugged him. Saying all that comforting shit in his ear, telling him everything was going to be ok, I loved him, etc etc.

But I didn't.

I simply stared at him, like he was fucking movie or something. I didn't know what to do. How do you comfort someone whose did this to themselves. There was nothing I can say, I can't agree with him because he's simply in the wrong. You don't praise someone for breaking your heart. It's just not how things go. It's not part of the fucking rules.

Thank god I'm not good at following rules.

And I didn't lie when I said I didn't do all that comforting shit. Its not who I am.

Well...I guess what I did next was a form of comfort but on my terms. I guess?

"Hey.." I said poking my brother in the shoulder. "Wanna cookie?" 

He growled at me. I blinked in surprised and took a step back.

"Ok Ok. No cookies. Do you want a hug?"

"Does it look like I need a fucking hug?" He hissed.

Yeah you fucking do...

"Ok then....No hugs either....then how about a kiss?" I said scratching the back of my head.

He thought about it for a second before nodding.



"Really Really?"

"Shit I already said yeah!"

"Really Really Really?"  Part of me was stalling because I knew if I kissed him, it was a like me saying 'Take Me Home" which I didn't want to go. And another part of me just loved fucking with him.

"Ask me again and I'm going to kick your ass." He said glaring at me. Fun time over.

So I shutted the fuck up and did what he wanted. I kissed him. I jumped onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. And it wasn't just a tiny little peck, it was one of those passion filled kisses that get you hard under three damn seconds.

And that's exactly what I did. Yeah I know, I'm lame.

I groaned out in desperation. I blushed red as a apple and buried my face in his neck. How fucking embarrassing! I got hard, over a kiss that I insinuated. Stupid hormones and their wanting to fuck anything that it can. Rather its fucking human or not, recalling the bread incident.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2013 ⏰

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