A new king

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Animals running around outside awoke me from my slumber but I just turned back on my side and fell back asleep. Then it woke me up again! 'Ugh. What's going on out there?! I'm trying to sleep!' I walked over to my dad and sat next to him while I waited until he woke up. I didn't have to wait long. "What is it Xena?" I walked to the edge of the cave and looked down to see animals all over the place. "Dad, what's going on out there?" I looked back at my father and could tell he was shaken up. "Your baby cousin." I gave a wonky look and he sighed. "Mufasa has a son." "Ooooh! Simba?" His head snapped up to me and I sat next to him. "How do you know his name?" "Uncle Mufasa told me about him!" "Of course it would be Mufasa. Making my daughter turn on me." "Daaad. I'm not gonna turn on you. You know I won't do that!" I ruffled up his mane and he sighed. His green eyes looked down at me and I grinned. "I suppose you won't." "'Suppose'?! Are you messing with me?" He chuckled and rested his paw on my head. "Yes i'm messing with you. How do you catch on so quickly?" I rolled my eyes and took his paw off my head. "I don't and won't turn on you. You feel like the only family I got. Although I have Uncle Mufasa, Aunt Sarabi and Simba." I laid my chin on my legs and sighed. "You shouldn't feel like that." "Well I do." My tail flicked around quickly and I seen a mouse. "I'll get it for you." I nodded and looked off to the side. "Here you go. One mouse for Xena coming up!" I laughed and sat up once he brought the mouse close to me. "Haven't you been taught to teach your offspring not to play with her food?" And I dropped it because of the stupid bird. "Aw man. You made me miss my lunch." The king is on his way." "Why?" "You missed the-" You're looking really tasty Zazo." "Scar, Scar get Xena! Get your daughter!" "Mm. You made her miss her lunch soo, no. Have fun." I pounced on Zazo and he flew to the back and I caught him. "Xena..." I looked back at Mufasa. "Mhmpt." "Put him down." I spit him out and groaned. "And now I missed that lunch!" I sighed and stood close to dad. I didn't really listen to the conversation. But when we tried to walk out and Mufasa growled and ran in front of us, I jumped on dads back and hid in his black mane. "Aw. Look what you did. You scared her." "I'm surprised you don't scare her." I peaked out a little and snarled. "I'm surprised YOU don't scare Zazo." When Mufasa looked at me, I hid back in dads mane and huffed. And when he began walking again, I looked up and slid off his back. "'I'm surprised you don't scare her.' What was he thinking?!" "He wasn't...?" It came out as a question and dad looked over at me. "Yeah. He wasn't." I gave a slight smile and it dropped quickly. "What's wrong Xena? You normally smile when you get things right." "Uncle Mufasa just kinda scared me." I looked down at my paws and let out a grunt when dad picked me up from the back of my neck and held me in his jaws gently. Yes he may be mean to others but he does show he has a soul and a heart when it came to me. "Dad! I got feet! Let me walk!" When he stopped and put me down, I wiped the back of my neck on his leg while the green smoke or whatever it was surrounded us. "I hate this stuff father." "You'll be okay. Now go sleep. You'll need it." I rolled my eyes and walked off. "Get away from me you idiots." 'I'm surrounded by idiots.' I smacked one of them when they came to close. "Get away from my daughter you fools." "Would've been better if you came sooner." I honestly don't know who my mother is. Dad don't talk about her. My ears pressed flat against my head when dad picked me back up and put me where I slept most the time. When we weren't around Pride Rock. "Where do you think your going dad?" "I'm just right here. I won't leave you with these hyenas alone." "Don't." I looked over at him and closed my eyes. "I don't even like them. The only one I do is Ed."

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