Little Cousin

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"Go play Xena. I'll be out in a few." "Aww! C'mon dad! Please?" "I said in. A. Few. Xena. Listen to me next time." I nodded and walked out. My green eyes looking around. "DAD! I'M HUNGRY!" I seen the thigh he had and he looked at it before getting up and bringing it to me. "Thank you." He nodded and walked back off. I bit down and pulled a chunk of meat off and placed it to the side. 'That is gonna be for him.' "Xena, what are you doing with that piece?" It was one of the hyenas. "None of your business." I growled when he came close and clawed his face when he almost got it. "I said, 'None. Of. Your. Business.' Now get on." He did and I guarded it while I ate. 'Okay. Time to go give this to him.' I grabbed it and began to walk to him. "This piece is for you." "Huh?" "I saved this piece for you. Eat it." I placed it next to him and ran to the tree. "Don't go to far! I need to keep you in my sights!" "Okay daddy!" I seen him looked up at me shocked. I haven't called him that since my birthday. I seen a butterfly and began to chase it. Humming a song. I didn't notice how far I went until I turned around and I didn't see the black mane of my dad. "Oh no. Oh i'm so dead when he finds me." "Xena?" I turned around to the voice in fear and seen it was only, "Uncle Mufasa!" I ran up to him and hid in his mane. "Where's your father at? You're not seen this far away from him." "I-I don't know. I was chasing a butterfly and when I looked back, I didn't see him! Or where we stay!" I hid more into his mane and he patted my back. "Don't worry. He'll come and find you. I think I see him now." "XENA?! WHERE YOU AT HONEY?!" I looked out from Mufasas mane and seen my dad running around looking for me. "She's over here Scar. Don't worry." You could easily see me from Mufasas mane. "There you are!" I ran from Mufasa and into my dads mane. "I thought something took you! You can't do this to me now!" I seen the same butterfly and closed my eyes. Hiding in my dads mane and he had his paw on my back like he wasn't gonna let go. "How did you find her Mufasa?" "I heard her voice." "How did you get out this far Xena?" "I was chasing a butterfly!" He sighed and I looked up at him. "You shouldn't just stand by and watch her play. She seems easily fascinated." "Dad!" I looked behind Mufasa and seen Simba. "Hey Simba!" "Oh. Hey Xena!" I was only a year older than Simba. I ran to Simba and tackled him. I heard Nala laugh at Simba being beat by a girl. "It's only Xena! Not like she can beat me!" I cocked an eyebrow at him and I could tell in his face he regret that. "You sure about that?" "You can beat me! I'm sorry I forgot you did one time!" I gave a smug look and sat down so he could get up. Dad and Mufasa were talking and I heard my name but paid no attention to it. "Xena, Scar's calling for you." I looked behind me and dad motioned me to come closer. I ran next to him and ran into his leg. "Sorry. You need me?" "Get right next to me and look into the sky." "Simba, Nala, come look." I sat next to my dad and looked up. "Woah." There were so many butterflies! The sky was blue and pink. "Exactly. They surrounded around you three like they were showing such a," "Connection that," "Could never be," "Broken." I said broken. And dads heart was being fast. "You okay dad?" "You were talking about almost the same thing yesterday. Are you sure your my kid?" I scoffed and put my paw on my chest. "Of course! I look JUST like you!" "She's got your additute also." I hummed a soft tune and sighed. "What's wrong?" "The food isn't settling well. It's making my stomach hurt. Can I stay the night with Simba?" He looked at Mufasa and he nodded. "You may stay as long as you want." "Don't give her that option. She'll stay forever and I kinda want to keep my daughter." I laughed and me, Simba, Nala, and Mufasa went back to Pride Rock. "Sarabi, Xena is staying the night with us." "Hi!" I seen Sarabi and waved with my paw before Simba tackled me. "Ack! Why you little-C'MERE!" Mufasa was laughing and I glared at him. "Did you-SIMBA! Ack! Hey that's my neck now!" I kicked him off and held my neck. "Stay back for a second." My paw didn't come back bloodly. "That's a good thing. Next time, don't aim for the neck. You can kill someone doing that." I sighed and walked to the darkest part of the cave. "Xena, what's wrong?" "Nothing." "I think it's because she hasn't been this far from her dad." Although you could barely see me in the dark, I laid on my side and closed my eyes. "Wasn't she complaining her stomach was hurting?" "Or it could be that." I was shaking slightly and I let out a small grunt. Mufasa came up to me and picked me up from the back of my neck gently. "You can sleep with us." I grunted louder when I was put on the ground and sighed. "Thank you. Appreciate it." I tried not to get in the trios way but Mufasa and Sarabi kept me near them. I finally gave up and slept closer to Mufasa. Or under his paws. And I did not sleep good that night. Nightmares racked my sleep and I keep waking up screaming. And Mufasa would tone me down and I would go right back to sleep.

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