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3rd|Manhattan, New York
[Y/n] held onto Hoseok laughing hard. He stuck out his tongue it touching his chin, Jimin managed to catch the sight of [Y/n]'s tongue. Jimin gawked at length of the younger male's tongue, He put microphone up to his lips and gasped "[N/n]!" [Y/n] looked at Jimin with a confused look on his face "Yes Hyung?" [Y/n] asked furrowing his eyebrows "Stick out your tongue again." [Y/n] stuck out his tongue with a very confused look on his face. The whole stadium gasped at the length of his tongue "Yah.." Jin was in awe as he stared at [Y/n]'s long pink muscle "There are many things I can do with it." [Y/n] said being the pervy maknae he is, Jimin and Hoseok kicked him "Aish..That kid." Hoseok commented as [Y/n] laughed
I started school today.....im ready to fuckin' die. I'm also exercising everyday for the rest of the school year....yay me..

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