dating controversy 2(short asf)

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[Y/n] scrunched his red nose when Tsuyoi gave him kisses all over his face, the two were outside walking back home it was a little chilly out which made [Y/n] shiver. Tsuyoi chuckled[you know those deep chuckles that just-] "You enjoyed the date?" Tsuyoi asked smiling wide as [Y/n] rapidly nodded his head "I love you." [Y/n] randomly blurted out which made Tsuyoi blush "I-I love you too." [Y/n] giggled at Tsuyoi's shyness, He stood on his tip-toes and kissed Tsuyoi on lips. Tsuyoi pulled from the kiss "You wanna finish this at home?" Tsuyou asked [Y/n] nodded before jumping into Tsuyoi's arms.

[After doing the bed boogie]
[Y/n] snuggled into Tsuyoi's arms just relaxing in each others presence. Tsuyoi smiled at his sleeping lover and petting his hair 'I love you so much and no one can me otherwise' Tsuyoi thought 'Not even BTS'

...Been a long time hasn't it....did anyone tell you that you are amazing...CUZ I'M TELLING YOU NOW!


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