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           In the midst of the night, Aurulias and Julia were both awakened by a sound coming from their kitchen. Both walked down the stairs, Aurulias taking lead while armed with a small knife. When they turned the corner to enter the kitchen, they were met with nothing. But just as Aurulias turned around, a fist struck his head. Disoriented, he stumbled around only to be met by a fist to his face. Throwing up his arms, he caught merely a glimpse of his assailant in the light of the moon, Legate Graham. Aurulias readied himself, and jabbed at the legate. The blade nearly striking Joshua. Julia attacked with a frying pan, nearly striking Graham. He struck her, hitting her throat, she dropped to the ground, gasping for air. Aurulias went in for another stab, only to be grabbed by Joshua, The Legate had Trilterium by the sides of the head, and drove his head down and his knee up. Aurulias was knocked out instantly. When he awoke, Aurulias found Julia dead, her throat slilt, and the knife in his hand. Before he could mourn, he heard voices outside. He had to flee... He bolted up the stairs and went to check on his baby girl, but she was gone. Aurulias had no time to mourn so he quickly threw on his armor and grabbed his supersledge. He heard Legionaries as they flooded into his home. Aurulias, covered in his wife's blood, jumped out of his window to escape, only to be met by Legionaries and Legate Graham. Everyone was silent for a minute, until he realized he was still holding the knife, covered in his wife's blood. A Legionary from inside shouted "Dead woman in here. Looks like a slit throat!" The men outside turned their eyes to him. "Listen. I didn't kill her! Graham did!" He yelled, trying to assert his innocence. "Come on Aurulias. Don't make this harder." Graham said, a calm infliction in his voice. Aurulias eyes filled with rage, and he lunged at Graham. Graham grabbed his arm, and snapped the bone. Aurulias screamed in pain as Graham looked down at him. "You don't attack a superior, Trilterium." Graham lifted a foot and slammed it into Aurulias' leg, breaking his shin. Trilterium yelled out in pain again. "You two, pick him up." Joshua directed to a pair of Legionaries. The men obliged and lifted the broken Aurulias. "Take him to the wall." Graham barked. In a last ditch effort, Aurulias hit a Legionary, breaking his nose. Graham looked back, and made his way back. He lifted another foot, and brought it down on Aurulias' hand, crushing the bones. Aurulias had already passed out from the pain. When he awoke, Trilters was dangling over a gorge, with a rope tied around his feet. "If you can climb back and untie the rope, you'll be made into a slave. If not, well, you're not a fool." Graham said. Trilters had a choice to make. Aurulias hung from the canyon walls by his feet, he debated on what to do. But he had an idea, he pulled out the knife covered in his wife's blood and cut the rope, which sent him down into the gorge. He fell in silence, not a sound was to be heard. The Legionaries went into panic, there was fear on everyone's face. Joshua Graham put them in their place, they didn't know what should be done. Aurulias fell into the darkness of the gorge, he made the sound of a ham landing on linoleum. Upon impact his left leg shattered, the pain caused him to pass out. He slept for three hours before a loud roar woke him up. He tried to stand up but fell down because his leg was still broken, he simply grunted. His arm and hand were in extreme pain, from being broken by Joshua. Trilterium looked around the canyon floor and saw multiple skeletons and a magnitude of mauled corpses. He suddenly remembered a story his father used to tell him, "Aurulias, don't go to the canyon because of Ol' One-eye!". Aurulias heard another roar, this time it was closer. He looked around and saw the rope used to hang him and some bark. He used his limited medical knowledge to make a leg splint. He lay in the bottom of the gorge. His leg now broken.
            Next to him lay a dead Khan. And next to him, a pile of chems, from Psycho to Jet. Before he could gather himself, a roar tore the dry Mojave air apart. Merely a 100 feet from him stood a Yao Gui. An angry, Yao Gui, it had a eye missing, but he still felt its rage. The broken man grabbed a shot of Psycho from the dead Khan, pain forcing him to nearly drop it. He stuck it in his chest and felt the adrenaline. He managed to stand up and ready his knife. The beast was sprinting and closing ground. Fast. Before he could react, the monster knocked him to the ground and was on top of him. A flurry of claws and teeth tore at him. Aurulias grabbed the knife and jammed it into the beasts neck. It didn't stop. With the best of his ability, he grabbed a nearby ruck and swung it into the Yao Guis head, hitting its damaged eye. It stopped for a moment, which allowed Aurulias to climb onto it. He began bashing the back of its head with the rock, tearing flesh and breaking bone. It flung him to the ground and bit his stomach, shaking him around like a doll. With a bit of luck, Aurulias grabbed its head, sinking a finger into its eye socket and pulled his head towards his neck. Doing what he could, he bit it's throat, over it's jugular. He held as tight as he could and yanked his head back, tearing the monsters jugular from its throat. It attempted to roar, but all that could be heard was a loud gargle. He had gotten some of its throat. The beasts grip loosened and Aurulias fell to the ground. So did the beast. When Aurulias awoke he was laying on the floor of the canyon, next to the dead Yao Guai. He sat silently for a few minutes before taking a Stimpak from the dead Khan, he injected it into his leg. His bones weren't healed fully but it was good enough to where he could stand. He stood up and hobbled further north. He felt a craving for Psycho, so he injected another, just to alleviate the pain. He struggled forwards, he saw a way out, a way to freedom. He followed the path until he popped out into the desert. He was up on a cliff, and he saw a town with two large buildings and a roller coaster track. Aurulias obviously cant go down there in his armor, but he did anyways. He started to climb down the cliff, but he lost his grip and tumbled downwards oncemore. It wasn't as far as the first time but he did break his arm again upon impact. "FUCK!" he screamed. This caught the attention of some geckos. The geckos stared at him like a wounded animal. Then, like a wave of cokefiends, they charged at hin. Before he knew it they were in top of him. The problem was, they were all about the size of a small dog. And their teeth couldn't pierce his armor. So, to scare them off, he stomped on the ground, but accidentally crushed one. They all scampered away, then he heard a larger growl. The mother was here, and she was MASSIVE. The Gecko brood mother charged him like a cokefiend while screeching like a banshee, Aurulias upercut the bitch, causing it's neck to snap, due the servos in his arms. He continued on to the small town, it had a sign that said "Primm" out front. When he walked on he didn't see anyone, but he did see a casino, and this angered him. He may have been betrayed, but he was still loyal to his beliefs. He walked into the Casino like he meant buisness. When he entered everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him in fear. Some man with a mailsack shot him at with a .357 revolver, but it merely bounced off of his armor and right back into the shooters skull, killing him instantly. This caused everyone else to whip out their revolvers/single shotguns. They opened fire but again, the bulets simply bounced off of Aurulias and into their comrades. Aurulias stood there not knowing what to do. Shot after shot rang out and with each shot, a small ping could be heard as the bullets bounced off of Aurulias. He pulled his supersledge from his back and sprinted towards the shooters. He swung his hammer into the first one, the head landing between his neck and shoulder. He moved to the next and swung again, sending the head clean through the mans stomach. The third fell, the fourth fell, on and on until not a body moved and the casino floor was drenched in blood as was Aurulias. Everyone was dead, the only thing left was Primm Slim. Aurulias started to move all the bodies outside. He stripped them of their clothing and weapons, then he used some gasoline to "cremate" them. He made a stockpile in Jason Nash's home, then he went to sleep in Jason's bed.

*Time skip to morning*

Aurulias woke up at the crack of dawn. He changed into some clothes he took from one of the Primmians(?) and walked into the front of his new home. He scanned the room and saw a broken Eye-bot on the counter. Aurulias studied it and saw that some wires were in the wrong ports, so he switched them to the right ones. The Eye-bot jumped to life, "I am model ED-D, you can call me Eddie." Crackled from the Eye-bot speach center. Aurulias stared at it for a bit, "Would you like to travel with me?" he asked it. Eddie floated up and down, "Yes, that sounds acceptable." the robot stated in a robotic tone. Aurulias smiled under his re-breather and went outside. The sun was slowly rising in the sky. Aurulias searched around the town and found a map. The map had a location called "Novac " on it, he decided to check out this Novac. He started the trip to Novac. Eddie was playing Radio New Vegas, a song called "Johnny Guitar" was playing, Aurulias liked it. After a while Aurulias came upon a town called Nipton, it looked ripe for crucification. But Aurulias didn't do anything, yet, he walked through the town, it was a hive of scum and villainy, Aurulias was disgusted. He searched around until he found a Administration building. He walked in and saw a ginger haired woman at a desk filing her nails. Aurulias walked up to her, "Is their any homes for sale?" Aurulias asked, the lady looked up, "Yes, there's two homes for sale, ones 1,500 caps and the other is 2,000 caps." the lady said. Aurulias looked in his bag and saw that he had around 3,000 caps, "I'll take the 1,5000 cap house." Aurulias passed the caps over. The lady handed over a key, "It's near the Trading Post, on the right." Aurulias thanked her and left, he went to his new home and entered. There was four rooms, a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom. He walked in and dropped his duffle bag on the couch, after words he went straight to the bed and collapsed into it. He slept for 8 hours, he woke up and put his armor back on. He put his hammer on the bed and went into the living room. He put on his boots, slung the bag over his shoulder, and left his new home.
            He bought some provisions at the Trading Post and continued his trip to Novac. Eddie played some more radio, Aurulias sung along. "BIG IROOOON" Aurulias sang while Eddie bopped up and down. He found a plastic folding chair and picked it up, "This will be useful." Aurulias said to himself.  ge was close to Novac, when suddenly a group of NCR Rangers surrounded him and Eddie. "Give it up, Legion bastard. You're surrounded." The lead ranger said. Aurulias knew the predicament he was in. Twenty five Rangers, all armed to the teeth. And one of him. With a plastic folding chair. "No. I don't think I will." he responded. He lunged at the leading ranger, folding chair in hand. He struck the first Ranger between the shoulder and the helmet, breaking his neck. He grabbed the dead man and used him as a shield. The other Rangers opened fire, putting bullets into their dead comrade. He threw the body at two of the men, knocking them down. He then slammed the legs into their visors, crushing their skulls. Another two Rangers approached him, and he dropped to his knees. Then he grabbed the chair and swung with all of his force, swinging the chair directly into their heads, snapping their necks. One ranger had tripped, and he stomped on the mans head. Aurulias cut down more and more men with his chair. Until he was met with one last man. He held a grenade launcher. Aurulias charged him with his chair, but tripped. The ranger looked down and fired a bean bag out of his grenade launcher, knocking Aurulias out..... Aurulias woke up in a room, he was sitting on a chair, at a table, and on the other side of the table was two more chairs and a man in a set of NCR fatigues. Aurulias stared at the man, "You should have killed me, and where's Eddie?" Aurulias said/questioned. The man raised an eyebrow, "If you're talking about that Eye-bot, he's outside, now, I have a proposition for." The man said, his name tag said "Berg". Aurulias glared at the man, "Pray tell, what is this proposition." The NCR soldier chucked, "My name is Otto Berg, I work for the CIA, the Californian Inteligence Agency. And we want you to tell us all you know about the Legion. Deal?" Otto asked. Aurulias thought for a minute, "Hmm, I was betrayed by those bastards, so deal, I'll tell you all you need to know." Aurulias said to Otto's delight. Otto smiled, "Great, we'll have you set up in Novac with your own group of soldiers, you're being drafted soldier" Otto said.

A/N: It's ED-D instead of ED-E because this takes place before the game

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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