Delivery Girl

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You looked at the girl, giving her a small smile before looking back to Snatcher's mushroom home. You glanced back to so called Hat Kid.

"Did your ship crash here, too?" You asked, tilting your head a bit.

She shook her head. "I had to come and collect the fuel for my ship. It seemed like everyone wanted them because they could mess with time." She shrugged, then looked to Snatcher.

"Yeah, that wouldn't be ideal." You added, watching as she turned to the ghost. "Have you met him?"

"There's no way you can come here and not meet him." She giggled, heading inside. "He's quite nice once you get to know him, and finish your contracts."

You nodded, then thought for a moment, reaching into your pocket.

The contract was gone.

Did you complete it?

You shrugged it off, following Hat Kid inside. She watched as Snatcher slept, then a minute later, she hopped into Snatcher's lap.

You giggled as you watched Snatcher jolt up, glaring at her, then he looked to you. You waved with a smile as he huffed and tapped his claws on the arm of the chair.

"Hey, Kid." He spoke in his raspy voice with a yawn. "What are you doing here so early?"

"I just came to visit!" She giggled, looking up at him. "I was on my way back from Alpine Skyline so I decided to drop in. Plus, you haven't visited my ship in a while. But you have a new contractor, so it make sense." She shrugged.

He nodded, then set a claw on her head and ruffled her hair. "Well, welcome back kid. I'll be sure to visit soon, okay?"

She giggled, nodding with a smile. "Alright, Snatcher. I should get going now, Bow is waiting for me." She hopped off his lap, waving to him and you before going back to her ship.

You looked to Snatcher, smiling awkwardly. "Good morning."

"Good morning." He looked to you, standing up from his chair. "You completed your contract last night."

"Oh, alright." You nodded, then thought for a moment. "Do you have another contract I need to complete?"

He nodded. "You have to deliver mail to my minions. I take mail from the Mafia and deliever it to them to make it seem like I care about them." He chuckled, looking to you as he handed you the contract.

"You know what to do."

You rolled your eyes as you signed the contract, then looked down at your leg. "What about my leg?"

He looked down at your leg, realizing that you still had the cast on. He groaned as his head fell into his palm. He was quiet for a moment before he snapped, a badge and hat appearing in his hand.

"Here, kid. These are just rentals but you can ride a scooter with this badge and deliver packages." He handed them to you. "Get going."

You took the hat and badge, putting the visor hat on your head and clipping the badge on.

He really won't let you rest.

You sighed as you headed out, taking a bit before figuring out how to activate the badge and hat. You had to chuck packages at the minions and surprisingly enough, they caught them.


After a long day of deliveries, you sat on a nearby stump, your leg throbbing with pain. Your ankle hadn't fully healed and for some reason it seemed to be bothering you a lot. You sat and breathed for a moment before seeing that last minion that didn't have a package.

"Sir!" You called, waving him down. "I have a package for you!" You stood up as the minion came closer. You grabbed the last package in your bag, then handed it to him.

"Thank you, miss." He thanked kindly.

You smiled, waving at him before hopping back on the scooter and heading back to Snatcher's.


On the way back, you noticed a book that was dropped in a nearby swamp. You grabbed it and pulled it out, seeing that it was covered in dirt and purple mud. Brushing it off, you realized it was one of your favorite books.

You used to read this all the time.

Spaceships for Beginners.

It was your dream to leave home and travel to different planets, and this book encouraged it. You learned about the different ships and engines, how to get your license and how to park your ship.

Your mother was never very fond with the idea of traveling in space, but your mind was set on it.

There was no stopping you.

That is, until now.

Your ship had crashed, you were stuck on a dark and eerie planet, doing chores for a lazy burnt pasta noodle.

This all could've been avoided.

It was all because of a simple mistake.

You sat down on the scooter, resting your arms on the bars as warm tears welled in your eyes. Your throat began to hurt, trying to choke back your sobs as tears ran down your cheeks. You put your head in your arms, sobbing softly as your tears hit the ground gently.

You wish you were never here.

But, there were perks.

The minions are very nice and welcoming to you, and it seems like there's much more to explore.

And, the star of the show,  Snatcher.

That stupid ghost.

He was nice.

Only a little.

But he was nice.

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