Hanging Out

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Once you had finished spitting your guts out, you sighed as you sat down, leaning back against the tree.

Snatcher slowly floated over to you, looking down at you. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking at your sick state.

You nodded, wiping your mouth. "I-I'm so sorry for vomiting." You said softly as you looked away, butterflies starting to fly in your stomach.

"It's alright, kid. Don't worry about it." He reaches out his claw to you, a comforting smile on his face.

You couldn't help but smile as you took his hand and he pulled you up. "Thanks, Snatch-"

He pulled you up and set you on his shoulders, giving you an amazing view of the forest.

"Woah." You gasped as you looked at the amazing view. You could see all the treetops and the beautiful purple clouds. The way the moon illuminated everything seemed to make it like a fantasy land.

"Snatcher, it's beautiful." You said in awe. You were absolutely loving this. You heard him mumble something, but you weren't sure what it was.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked, looking up at you.

You thought for a moment before a certain person came to mind. "How about over there?" You pointed to a path where the trees seemed to open up and show the horizon and the moon.

He nodded as he began walking, or floating, over to the area.

"Hey, Snatch?" You looked at him. "What do you do as the King of Subcon?" You asked, tilting your head.

He quickly turned his gaze away from you, finding the tilt in your head to be cute. "Ahem," He cleared his throat. "I usually just tell my minions to keep things in order until I get another human to work for me."

"So you just rely on people?"

"Essentially, yes." He nodded. "But I also devour their souls if they become useless to me."

Your eyes widened. "A-Are you gonna eat my soul?"

He looked up at you and a creepy grin was plastered on his face. "We'll have to wait and see."

You felt your stomach drop. Your face turned slightly pale, but Snatcher only laughed.

"I'm joking, kid." He rolled his eyes. "You're... you're different."

You were about to ask something else before a voice was heard.


"MJ!" You smiled, looking at the horizon line and waving as he appeared.

"Uh, kid, who is this." Snatcher asked, seeming to have his guard up.

"His name is Moon Jumper, but MJ for short. I met him on my way home yesterday." You explained.

Snatcher seemed like he didn't like him. He was constantly glaring at MJ, and you didn't understand why.

You shrugged it off, and turned to MJ. "I cant stay for long, MJ. Snatcher's giving me a tour of Subcon!" You giggled as you gently pat Snatcher's head.

"Ah, Alright." He nodded as he tried to bow. "Thank you for coming by, Miss."

"Of course, MJ." You smiled at him. You heard Snatcher grumble but pushed it aside. "See you soon!"

You waved as Snatcher continued down the path, staying silent. It was very odd of him.

You rested your chin on his head, wrapping your arms around the fluff on his neck. You gently nuzzled his head with your cheek, sighing.

"Y'know," You started, gently petting his fur around his neck. "You're my favorite thing out of everything on this planet."

Snatcher froze as he looked up at you, a clear bright purple tint to his cheeks. He quickly looked away from you, almost growling. He continued floating along the path, his mind staying on that moment.

You only giggled as you pat his head, smiling. "Aw, Snatch, why are you so grumpy?" You asked, quirking a brow.

"I'm not grumpy."

"You sure? When we were with MJ you seemed like you had something against him." You told, playing with his fluff around his neck.

He stayed silent for a moment. "So what if I don't like him?" He growled lowly as he kept along the path, sighing.

"That's perfectly fine." You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I'm not going to force you to like him. That's just mean."

He hesitated before giving a slight nod. "Alright."

You looked around, seeing that you were near the purple swamp you found the book in. "What's so cool about being here?"

"You'll see." He simply said, traversing through the swamp and speaking to his minions.


"Hold on to my neck, kid." Snatcher had said as he put his claws over your eyes.

You did as told and couldn't stop giggling. You were getting excited. "What's this for? What are we doing?"

"Just shut up and hold on." He chuckled as he started moving again.


"Ready, kid?" He asked, seeming quite excited. He had quite a surprise.

"Duh!" You giggled as he slowly removed his claws from your eyes.


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