Chapter 3

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Maddie's POV

"WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled at meerkat boy who had just spilt his drink all over the front of my favorite top. I'm not a girly-girl type who screams if they break a nail but no ones touches my favorite top. That was only half the reason I screamed, the other reason being that it was coffee that he spilt and it was hot!

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it, honest." Meerkat boy said although you could tell he didn't mean it by the tone of his voice and also the little smirk that was playing on his lips. I can't believe him.

"Whatever! You owe me a new shirt meerkat!"

"Don't call me that! My name is Rocky" Meerkat growled at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it, honest" I said with the same amount of sarcasm he used when he said it to me. "sound familiar? Meerkat suits you better any way."

Meerkat went a bit red in the face and I felt like laughing at him for getting so mad but I kept it in and smiled instead.

"Stop fighting you two!" Roxy yelled and I saw a few people looking at us probably hearing our argument.

"Roxy look what he did!" I yelled back showing her my wet, still warm, black top.

"I did see" Roxy sighed looking tired.

"So make him apologize!" I demanded frustrated that my own aunt was letting meerkat get away with ruining my top.

"Honestly you two are both 18 years old! Start acting like it and stop making a fool out of us in front of the whole restaurant" Roxy exclaimed also getting red in the face.

I sat back in my seat folding my arms and glaring at meerkat who now had an annoying grin on his face that I wished I could slap off.

I was just about to tell meerkat to wipe that smirk off his face when the waiter came and put our food on the table. I glared at meerkat one more time before digging into my food aggressively.

"You eat like a pig" I heard meerkat grumble softly so that Roxy couldn't hear him.

I looked at him and with my mouth still full "why were you looking at me?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"You don't need eyes to know that you eat like a pig." He replied glaring at me.

"At least I don't look like a meerkat." I smiled fakely at him, my mouth still full.

"One more word and you two will walk home!" Roxy warned us. Damn I had such a good come back.

"Roxy can you please ask her to eat like a civilized person? I'm trying to eat with out being disgusted" Meerkat asked Roxy while giving me a hard glare.

"I said not another word! Rocky, shut your mouth and Madeline, eat properly I'm sick of you two and this is your first day here!"


After a tension filled evening and an awkward car ride I was finally home in my room, away from everyone else, unpacking my boxes.

As I was unpacking my last box I came across a silver frame filled with rhinestones. I thought I threw this away....

"What's that?" Roxy asked suddenly appearing in my door way making me jump with fright.

"Don't do that!" I yelled at her.

"Sorry" she smiled. "What is that?" She asked again.

"Oh, uh....nothing" I returned the smile.

Roxy sighed, her curly brown hair falling in her face before she brushed it away gently.

"Let me see" She smiled encouragingly.

I sighed and handed her the frame that held my favorite picture of Jake and I before he dragged me into all of that shady business.

Roxy looked at the picture and smiled before giving it back to me.

"He changed you Maddie" My aunt told me with a sad look on her face. I looked down suddenly finding my beige carpet fascinating, I nodded realizing it was true.

Roxy walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Goodnight Maddie. Sleep tight". She let go and walked out of the room but stopped at the door and said something so soft I might have imagined it.

"I miss the old you"


(AN) hey guys:) I know we said we would only post every week but we finished early and decided to post it :P please let us know if you hate it or if you like it and constructive criticism is always welcomed :):)

Please Vomment

Ex oh ex oh

-Paton and Kirsty

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