chapter 23

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the following day lee yong told her that not many people on board were prepared to be woken at four in order to be on the rim of the crater at sunrise. apart from themselves, only three others were interested in joining the outing... dong won and two of the new arrivals, Joanne Walters and Bobby Darwin.

"I'm not sure which two they are" jenna confessed, as she and yong leaned on the stern rails shortly before lunch before lunch was due to be served.

"i expect we've been introduced, but i haven't got everyone sorted out yet."

he nodded. "an influx like yesturday's is a bit confusing, isn't it? Joanne was sitting next to the skipper at dinner last night. Bobby is the lad with the freckles. with only five of us going, we can pack into Mr Dennison's car. he's not using it tomorrow morning and we'll be back before lunch."

Joanne Walters... which jenna took to be the younger of the two women who had sat next to jihoon the night before... was in the same place at lunch, although there was someone different on his other side.

was she there by invitation? jenna wondered. she was careful about looking in their direction. every time she ventured a rapid glance at that end of the table, jihoon seemed to be finding Joanne a congenial companion and giving her most of his attention.

it had been arranged that, making as little noise as possible, the volcano party would assemble on the lounge deck for a quick cup of coffee and a hot roll before going ashore.

jenna was the first to join lee yong.then came dong won, followed by Bobby.

"I hope Mrs Walters isn't going to delay us" said yong, with a glance at his watch. "if she hasn't put in an appearance in five minutes, perhaps you wouldn't mind going to her cabin to see what's happening, jenna?"

however, this wasn't necessary. a few moments later Mrs Walters appeared, every shining brunette hair in place and her striking face skilfully made up. herwhole appearance was one of understated elegance. it epitomised the 'look' which jenna had decided was the one she wanted to aim for when she and hana had been looking round Brioni.

at the moment she was still a million miles from achieving it. her own pants were navy needlecords, far from new. her shirt was pink and grey check worn on top of a cotton spencer. all the garments she had selected for maximum comfort at the top of the volcano were practical, but they weren't co-ordinative and they certainly weren't chic.

this wouldn't have mattered to her if the party had remained at five. but within minutes of joanne walters arrival, jihoon appeared.

"you don't mind if i join the expedition, do you, yong? good morning, joanne. good morning."

the second good morning was a cursory acknowledg-ment of the presence of the rest of the party.

"Not at all, sir. glad to have you." however informal they might be with each other in private, lee yong was always punctilious in public.

perhaps it was out of deference to the younger man's superior rank that, when they were ashore, he asked if jihoon wanted to drive.

"No,you drive, yong" was the answer.

"the girls can go infront with you and the rest of us can sit behind."

"if you don't mind my saying so, i think a better idea is for jenna amd me to be sandwiched between you four men" joanne put in.

"you need to sit infront for the leg room, jihoon. if i sit between you and yong, the three young people can be togother in the back seat."

jenna wondered how he would take having his plan revised, even with the charming smile which joanne had given him as she made her suggestion.

he didn't seem to mind. "as you wish"

meanwhile the member of the crew who had brought them ashore was loading various containers into the trunk of the car. it was parked not far from where jenna had been when the earth tremor started.

she wondered if he had remembered what had happened that morning. she had been intensely aware how on that spot they had stood locked togother and, soon after, kissed.

but jihoon must have kissed many women. it was years since his first important embrace. if kissing her stayed in his mind, it would be only because she was one or perhaps the only female who had ended an embrace before he was ready to end it.

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