chapter 35

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As if it had struck her that her manner towards him had been too familiar for a newly appointed stewardess, even one who had known him elsewhere, Eleni said more sedately, "Captain jung's relations were very to me while I was in Australia."

"Miss kim is Korean" said jihoon.

"this is her first visit to the Pacific."

His use of her surname, underlining the pretence that Eleni was a bona fide member of the crew, made jenna wonder how he would contain his fury if any of the passengers treated her less than courteously. Not that he was likely to be present if and when it happened, and no doubt Eleni would keep it to herself if the masquerade carried some penalties for her.

"I hope you're enjoying it, Miss kim" the Fijian girl said politely.

"I'd have to be very hard to please if I weren't" said jenna, in answer to her remark.

"I thought Maui was lovely, but Fiji is even more beautiful. You were lucky to be born in such a marvellous part of the world, Miss Tavaga."

Before Eleni could answer, jihoon reminded her that she hadn't finished turning down the passengers' beds.

"No, I have three more to do. Good night, Miss kim." giving jenna another of her ravishing smiles, she hurried away to carry on with her duties.

Instead of following her, jihoon lingered in the doorway.

"Eleni is new to this job, so it will take her a few days to master it. The Fijians aren't people who can be rushed," he said dryly.

"in their climate hustle and bustle isn't practical, as I expect you've discovered ashore."

"I did find I had to stroll around Suva at a more leisurely pace than my usual one," she agreed.

"What did you think of the place?"

"it has a wonderful museum, although it's just as well Norma didn't go there. I think she'd have been almost as horrified by the carved wooden forks which the chiefs used for eating human flesh as she was by that rat at the market. It's extraordinary how, in only a few generations, the Fijians have changed from fierce warriors to civilised, and friendly like youngji even though he's half Koean."

His mouth quirked. "Don't be misled by youngji's sunny smile. Most of the time he's as gentle as a lamb. But I've known a couple of occasions when he's lost his temper and I was very glad not to be on the receiving end of it."

For some time after he had left her, she went on with her dressmaking. When she returned to her cabin, it occurred to her that although the passengers' quarters were well supplied with reading matter, Eleni's cabin might not be.

Selecting several books and magazines which she thought might interest the other girl, she went to find her.

The deck below the passengers' quarters was a part of the ship she had never ventured in before. As she was standing in the long corridor at the foot of the companionway, wondering which way to go, the Cheif steward appeared.

"youngji, where will I find the new stewardess.... Eleni?" she asked him.

For the first time since she had known him, The half korean half Fijian didn't smile at her.

"if you want Eleni, you should ring your bell, Miss jenna," he said, in a strange tone of voice.

"I don't want her to do anything for me. I want to offer her these books in case she has nothing to read in her cabin. She may find it difficult to sleep, her first night on board."

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