chapter 2

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A little more than an hour later a taxi returned them to the airport just in time to board the flight to Maui.

"you look a different person" said hana with an approving glance at the transformation she had wrought in the short time since her sister's arrival.

"you'll look better when you've worked up a tan, but at least you don't look like orphan Annie anymore"

jenna wasn't as happy with her changed appearance. she wasn't keen on any of the clothes which hana seconded by an effusive saleswoman had insisted were perfect for her. but she had been too jetlagged to resist their combined pressure on her.

she had even been obliged to submit to having some make up applied by a girl demonstrating eye make up techniques in the cosmetic section of one of the stores in the large shopping mall they had visited.

this she had tried to resist but hana had overruled her objections with a forcefulness it had been difficult to combat without seeming rude and ungracious to someone who obviously meant to be kind and helpful. the aircraft on which they flew to Maui was tiny compared with the giant planes they see always.

"most the people fly in to Maui by the airport at Kahului, which is about twenty minutes from Honolulu" explained hana

"we're going to the little airstrip at Kaanapali on the west coast that's the side with the best hotels and golf courses"

"golf and sailing seems an unusual combination of interests" commented jenna

although the champions were younger men, she regarded golf as a game for middle aged and elderly and had never known a young man who played it. however, considering that she had spent the first twenty years of her life in a city swarming with young men, she had known very few. hana had rebelled against the rules and regulations imposed by a disciplinarian father, whereas jenna had acquiesced.... not because she was biddable by nature but because during her teens she had been more interested in horses than in boys and discos. at seventeen she had begun to take an interest in the opposite sex. but before her eighteenth birthday her father had had a stroke and all her hopes and plans for the future had had to be shelved for the task of looking after professor kim.

"i must say golf bores me to death" hana confided

"but i don't mind joon being crazy about it his mania for golf leaves me plenty of time for shopping. alot of american women take their husbands and boyfriends shopping with them, but i can't shop with a man in tow"

she inspected her shiny red nails

"tomorrow i must have a manicure you could do with one too" she added, with a critical glance at the younger girl's short unvarnished nails.

"you shouldn't have dishpan hands at your age you must have been doing housework without wearing rubber gloves"

"I'm afraid i have" jenna admitted. she noticed that although hana was wearing several rings on her smooth manicured fingers, the third finger of her left hand was bare.

"where is your engagment ring?" jenna asked

"i don't like to see diamonds at the beach which is where i spend alot of my time" was hana's reply

"gold jewellery in moderation looks good with a suntan, but i think diamonds looks flashy. my ring spends most of its time in the safe joon has on board, he spent alot of money on it and i should hate to lose it or have it stolen which could happen,even though we're anchored offshore it wouldn't be impossible for someone to sneak on board and steal things"

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